Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 114: I Still Love Sundays

Sunday, December 27

I don’t have anything incredible to report today. It’s been a lovely day, but nothing terribly exciting. Nonetheless, a lovely Sunday in India. And the fact that it is the first day of the week that my hubby will be here, even better day!

My day started when I finally woke up around 1:30 pm. I hung out with my friend Meredith when she knocked on the door. Somehow we ended up looking at my wedding pictures. It was so nice to relive my beautiful wedding. Although, seeing pictures of Devin made me miss him even more.

Meredith headed out to go shopping, but I stayed back. I needed to get caught up on some things here in the hotel room, including my reimbursement paperwork that needs to be completed. I did run downstairs for some lunch, but other than that spent the afternoon working in my room.

After giving my lunch a couple hours to settle, it was off to the gym for my daily workout. Due to the holiday, I missed a couple days and Monesh, one of the personal trainers, reminded me quit quickly the importance of not missing a day!

Once the tail whooping was over, I ran back upstairs for a quick shower. I went to dinner with a couple of the other ladies from work. We went to TGIFriday’s and man was it tasty! I love Indian food, but that doesn’t change the love for what taste like home!

Now, it’s back to the room for some R & R before going back to work tomorrow. I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the last few days of 2009. I’ll catch you all on the flip side! ;-)

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 3 days…

Day 113: Hot Ice

Saturday, December 26

So I just finished Hot Ice by Nora Roberts. I have been a Nora Roberts fan for years and have enjoyed many of her books over time. However, this one was not my favorite.
The book was about the daughter of a billionaire, Whitney, that longed for something other than the world on a platter and a high class thief that made business partner with the wrong bad guy. Doug Lord, the thief, had gotten his hands on a French diary from the French Revolution with the promise for treasure fit for a queen.

Doug met Whitney when he jumped in her car on a street in Manhattan running from the Dmitri’s thugs that are out to kill him. Whitney quickly learns about the treasure hunt and views it as an adventure that she’s willing to front the expenses for half the treasure. And so the unrealistic, yet extremely exciting, adventure begins. After jet setting off to Madagascar via a trip to Paris, they set off on a foot, only a step or two ahead of the thugs.

Of course, they fall in love, always got out of the impossible situations, and never went hungry for too long. Eventually, they found the treasure, but were quickly captured by the bad guys, at least Whitney was. Doug on the other hand, went to go find her and tries to rescue her. Naturally Whitney is rescued, but not by who you think she would be. Doug makes it out alive as well and as with any happy ever after book, the bad guys go to jail.

Not surprisingly, Whitney and Doug go their separate ways, at least for a month or two when they realize they can’t possibly live without each other. Doug shows up to propose nonetheless. So predictable!

The book itself was ok. A nice level of adventure to keep you turning the pages. Unfortunately it was only to find out that you were exactly right in guessing what was going to happen next! Also, while a little kissing and hugging is ok, I’m not a fan of Harlequin and Nora got a little too close. All in all I give the book 2.5 out of 5 stars. Hopefully the next book will be a little better!

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 4 days…

Day 112: My Unforgettable Indian Christmas

Friday, December 25

Merry Christmas!! I woke up early this morning and went to the Christmas service at the church I attended a few weeks ago. The service was beautiful and it was so nice to have so many others that understood what today really is about. The service ended with a communion service that was unforgettable and lovely!

After church it was back to the hotel for a delicious Christmas buffet lunch. I had turkey, prawns, sushi, mashed potatoes, grilled mixed veggies, and a dessert plate to make anybody jealous. I discovered Yule log and Partole, a divinity type dessert that has a strawberry in the center. Ah so good!! Yummie!

Next, it was off to the spa for a little Christmas pampering. I had a little “threading” done first. Quite the experience! It’s an alternative to waxing and while it’s a little more painful at the moment, it’s a lot less harsh than waxing. Yay, no burn marks! Next I had the best pedicure I’ve ever had. The guy got his workout for the day sanding off the months worth of flip-flop wearing callouses that previously inhabited my feet! Lastly, it was off to for my one hour massage. The best part, all of this cost less than it would have cost to get any one of these treatments in the States! I love India!!!

Again, back to the hotel for a shower and to get ready for my first Indian house visit. A friend from work, Nitin, invited me to join his wife and family for Christmas dinner. Nitin’s mom is so very sweet! She reminded me of going home in the States. She kept trying to feed me more and more even when I wasn’t hungry at all. And that was before dinner! LOL!

Nitin, Soloni, his wife, and Nitin’s brother took me to enjoy some Indian street food! Oh my YUM!! I had seeki kebabs, seeki rolls, and the best lamb chops I have EVER had!! All I could think was where have Seeki kebabs been all my life! And how much Devin would love the lamb chops. Add to that the great time Soloni and I had just being girls and the great conversation with my new friends, all in all, a great night!

Once back to the hotel, I got to talk to many family and friends back in the States and wish them all a very Merry Christmas. While I wish I could have been with my family and Devin of course today, this was truly a Christmas I will never forget! I’m so blessed for such an amazing day to celebrate the birth of my Savior!

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 5 days…

Day 111: Christmas Eve!!

Thursday, December 24

Poster Note: Sorry these got out of order.... Devin

Well, it FINALLY looks like Christmas in India! It’s so weird, in the US the Christmas decorations make it up in every public place no later than the day after Thanksgiving, although many retail stores have it out before Halloween. Not in India my friend. Even the American hotel we are staying at waited until this evening to put up the tree. Which is quite pretty, Grandmother would approve, everything matches beautifully!

At work, all of the kids spent the evening decorating the bays and painting their faces, an Indian way of celebrating any holiday. I’ve never seen so much fake snow and glitter in an office building! There was even a visit from Santa! LOL! It was hysterical to see one of the kids with fake snow taped to his face and balloons shoved up underneath his red jacket. I had a blast and laughed most of the evening. Well, when I wasn’t working of course! ;-)

This wasn’t a normal Christmas Eve for me. I mean I’m use to working, but I wasn’t able to make it to a Christmas Eve service since I didn’t leave work until 11:30 pm. And my Christmas Eve dinner, Pizza Hut! Not quite the same as finger foods at a friend’s house or Prime Rib at Aunt Fay’s, but pretty taste nonetheless!

Well, I am headed to bed so I can enjoy my Christmas tomorrow! I have plans to head to church, lunch at the hotel, and then over to a friend’s house for dinner. Should be a great day! Merry Christmas to you and your kin!

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 6 days…

Day 115: Is it Wednesday Yet?

Monday, December 28

I don’t even know what to write. I’m beside myself with excitement that I get to see my precious husband in only two more days! I realize that because you are my family and friend, you too are excited for me. However, I also understand that you must be sick of listening to me be mushy and anxious for Devin’s arrival. LOL! Thank you for loving me anyway! I really can’t help it!

With all that being said, all in all today was an ok day. Work was a little frustrating. I had several questions that I know they know the answer to and one guy that ask for help and then wanted to argue about whether I was right or not. PS the answer was right in front of him!

I did have my fourth interview for the promotion at work. I think it went ok, but it wasn’t nearly as long as the previous interviews. I feel like I’m giving cookie cutter answers even though they really aren’t. I’ve just given the answer four times so I’m worried that I sound a little rehearsed. Well, I guess in this case, that’s ok. At least I’m consistent!

Also, I went to the gym before work. Simple cardio today and tomorrow is supposed to be a rest. I ask if it was ok for me to come tomorrow so I can take a rest while my hubby is here. Monesh said ok, Parkesh wasn’t there, I’ll probably get in “trouble.” Oh well!

Ok enough pointless rambling that I’ll call my blog for the night. I’m going to call Devin and go to sleep. This will be the last time I get to talk to him before he boards a plane, Delhi bound! Please pray for safe travels for Devin and for no delays! He is making such a short trip, even a little delay could serious cut into what little time we have together.

Thank you for all your love and support!
With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 2 days…

Day 110: One More Week!!

Wednesday, December 23

Warning: This blog maybe viewed as extremely mushy and may cause extreme romantic thoughts!

So my hubster will be here in one more week. By the time he gets here, it will have been two month since we have seen each other. On the way to work this evening, I was sitting in the car with my coworkers, talking about all the reasons I’m excited to see my husband. I decided that I would dedicate tonight’s blog to the top 10 reasons I’m excited that my HWDB will be here!!

10) Hot Tamales and Tuna fish! Ok so I realize this might seem odd, but Hot Tamales are my favorite candy and do not exist in India. And tuna fish is kind of a staple food that is needed to survive a foreign country, and I’m out of the original that I brought.

9) Changing up my clothes! I am so sick of wearing the same fifteen shirts over and over again. Devin is bringing me some clothes from home to exchange out with the ones I’m so sick of wearing.

8) I get to talk to his face instead of a small electronic device. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very thankful that I’m able to take to Devin every day, but to talk to his sweet face instead of through my blackberry, priceless!

7) I can introduce Devin to all my new friends. I have met so many amazing people here and I look forward to having Devin here to meet them too!

6) Someone to share my meals with. I have the occasionally meal with the other folks from work, but I miss sitting over a wonderful meal with my wonderful hubby and sharing wonderful conversation! The romance of staring into each other’s eyes as we share a rich risotto or creamy cheesecake makes my heart melt! What can I say, the way to a Lusk heart is almost always through their stomach! ;-)

5) I get to show him India and not just with pictures. There are so many amazing and or crazy things I have seen here. Pictures don’t show the traffic and the view from Amber Fort just can’t be captured with a simple click of the Cannon. I look forward to having this experience together! It will truly be something we will remember forever!

4) Snuggled conversations! One of my favorite times of the day at home is when we crawl into bed and lay all snuggled together and tell each other all about our day. Back to the lack of face to face conversation, I look forward being snuggled up and telling each other everything on or minds!

3) Kisses…. Haven’t had any in two months! I’m very, very much over due. And Devin is a great kisser! :-D

2) Hugs! I’m very fortunate in that I have had a hug everyday from one of my friends from work. But a Devin hug is the best out there. Bhavisha gives great friend hugs, but her hugs don’t make you feel safe and secure. When Devin gives me a hug, it’s like nothing in the world could get to me! His hugs make me feel like a protected and cherished princess, not to mention warm and fuzzy all over! And the number one reason I look forward to my hubby being in India…

1) Seven days of quality time with the most amazing man I’ve ever known!!!

Thanks for putting up with the mushy stuff!! ;-)
With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 7 days…

PS from Devin-

What am I looking forward to? NO SNOW!!! HAHAHA

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 109: Typical Tuesday

Tuesday, December 22

It’s interesting to me what a creature of habit I can become. I doubt it will come as a surprise to anyone that I flourish under a routine. After all, it’s my personality! But, it still amazes me how much better I feel now that I have myself back on a regular routine.

Remember how just a week ago I was complaining about how all I want to do these days is sleep, but I wanted to not feel so sleepy all the time. Well, the solution, it seems was actually to sleep less. I was sleeping way too much. Once I started getting up at 1 pm every day, the bags under my eyes have greatly reduced! So now that I have a new routine, I thought I would share it with you! After all, I know you can’t bear to not know my every move! (Said with extreme sarcasm!!)
My day starts with a 1 pm wakeup call that is no longer a sweet voice but is instead an automated voices, ugh. But the wakeup call is still proving to be more effective than the alarm ever was. After a quick brush of the teeth, it’s down stairs for a visit with my friend Parkesh. After anywhere from an hour to an hour and half he finally finishes torturing me, I mean encouraging me to get healthy, and I run back upstairs to my hotel room for a super quick shower.

After throwing on some cloths, it’s another race downstairs to catch the free lunch buffet included in my room charge before it ends for the day. After surveying my options, I try to decide on the best for me, least likely to upset my stomach, delicious meal I can create. There is the option of a salad, but the lettuce here seems to upset my tummy, so I have to avoid that if possible. I try to go for a little protein, a few carbs, and a lot of veggies. Once I have finished my main course, I order a cappuccino, no foam (they don’t know what a latte is, evidentially that is an American term or something??) and get “dessert.” While there are lots of options for dessert, I try to stick to pineapple and watermelon and maybe a miniature tart if they have favorite flavors, like caramel or chocolate!

After signing the bill, it’s back up to the room, for my second favorite part of the day. I curl up under the covers and read/take a cat nap until 4:30 pm. At 4:30 pm, I turn on Biggest Loser and get my motivation to go back to the gym tomorrow! During commercials, I get my room ready for housekeeping, fix my hair, do my makeup, etc. Once Biggest Loser ends, I start packing up for work and head downstairs to catch my ride at 5:45.

Once the 45 minute commute is complete, it a non-stop adventure at work for the next nine hours. Technically, there is an hour lunch in there, but this too offers excitement as we are never quite sure what we are going to get! At the end of the shift, around 3:30 am, it’s back to the car for the 15 minute drive back to the hotel. Yes the traffic makes that much of a difference! Depending what time we actually leave work, we get back to the hotel anywhere from 4:00 am – 4:30 am. Then it’s time for my favorite part of the day….

I call Devin and we chat for about 30 minutes. We have to tell each other all about our days, discuss family business (read bills), and spend the rest of our call talking about how much we miss each other and can’t wait for him to be here/me to be there. Usually while on the phone with him, I fix a small bite to eat so I can take my Malaria meds and once off the phone, I type my blog and email it to him. Sometimes these things are in a different order, but you get the picture.

With the meds taken, the teeth brushed, and blog done, it’s off to bed to start it all over tomorrow! And now you know the routine! ;-)

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 8 days…

Day 105: The Wedding

Friday, December 18

Book number four of my Indian adventure was “The Wedding” by Nicholas Sparks. This was another fictional story, set in Eastern North Carolina, always a plus. I was left misty eyed with a big smile by the end of the book and ever so anxious for my own prince charming to make his way to the Land of Curry.

“The Wedding” starts with Wilson, the main character, forgetting his and his wife’s 29th wedding anniversary. As his wife cries herself to sleep, he realizes what a huge mistake he has made and becomes absolute terrified that he is about to lose her forever. Wilson, a self proclaimed un-romantic, workaholic, knows that forgetting his anniversary was just the most recent of many missed opportunities to love his wife. He decides then and there that something has to change and that something is him.

Wilson sets out to spend the next year developing a plan to make Jane, his wife, feel like the love of his life that she has always been. Wilson invokes the whole family and all their friends to pull off one of the grandest surprises of all time! With the help of his father-in-law, Noah from “The Notebook,” Wilson learns how to be the romantic that Jane grew up watching her father be. Watching Wilson throughout the year work to rekindle the love that started their marriage reminded me of all the sweet things that Devin and I do for each other and made me want to make sure we never stop!

As the family plans for the wedding of their eldest daughter, Wilson has something up his shelve that is literally a year in the making. Wilson surprises even himself when he is able to pull of the greatest anniversary gift this wife could ever have imagined in the mist of one of the craziest weeks in the life of his family! I don’t want to give the surprise away, but I highly recommend this book to any man looking for some idea of how to blow your wife away! Ladies, you will enjoy the sweet way Sparks paints the picture of Jane and Wilson falling in love all over again. All around, a great read and a precious reminder of how wonderful true love is and how important it is to make every day count.

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 12 days…

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 108: Halfway There….

Monday, December 21

Well, so long restful weekend, hello week number 8! I’m half way through my India stay and on the downhill slope to my return home! Exactly 7 weeks from today, I will be on a plane, USA bound! Don’t get me wrong, India is great! I’ve loved every minute of being here. I’ve learn so many wonderful things about another country and culture. I’ve grown as an employee and trainer. And best of all, I have made so many wonderful friends that have each touched my life in a special way.

Not to mention, I have gotten back on track to being healthy with the help of my personal trainer. I went to the gym this morning after my weekend off. I had to work my tail off as I have come to expect and almost enjoy. I also asked them to start working with me to get me running again. Once upon a time I actually enjoyed going for a run. Why I stopped, I’m not sure. But I have tried several times to get back into the habit with no success. Seeing as I came to love running with Staff Sgt. Cheeks running next to me screaming with all 350 lbs of muscle that made up the 6’5” man, I thought maybe having similar “motivation” from a personal trainer might get me back to that point! I’m sure Brooks and Addison would love for Mommy to take them for a run every morning!

Oh Brooks and Addy! I miss those puppies! Grandma Dee is spoiling them rotten, but I hear good reports. I think Devin is missing them too. He said he was probably going to go get them when he gets back from India. I think this is a GREAT idea! This way, they will be there when I home and Devin can email me pictures of my little furry rug rats!!

Speaking of Devin, only NINE more days till he will be here!! Yay, it’s down to single digits! I’m so excited to see him and show him everything. I wish we could have more time, but I will take what I can get. I miss him so much and even a day would be better than nothing. I need some quality HWDB hugs and kisses! Those are impossible to come by in India! ;-)

Yes, this has truly been an amazing experience and I will cherish every minute I have left. But on the other side of the coin is the reminder of just how wonderful home is….

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 9 days…

Day 107: Sunday… The Day of Rest

Sunday, December 20

At that is exactly what I did today. I can’t believe the bum I was! Although after my exciting day yesterday, maybe I needed the rest. I started with meeting a coworker, Linda, for breakfast. We sat and chatted about work and such for over an hour.

Next, back to my room for some reading and a nap. Once I woke up, I went back downstairs with Linda for some lunch. Again, we sat and chatted about life, work, friends, and family for well over an hour. Since I literally hadn’t done a thing since breakfast, I wasn’t very hungry but the lunch buffet is free and I didn’t want to be hungry later and have to pay for it! LOL!

Anyway, guess what I did after lunch? I came back to my room and took a nap! I did read a few chapters in my newest book, but ended up falling asleep. Once I finally woke up, it was defiantly time for a shower. After a long hot rinse off, it was time for more reading, although I managed to stay awake this time!

I started getting hungry and opted for some chicken from room services and massive amounts of Friends reruns. Ah, as “boring” as today may appear, it was so relaxing and refreshing. Tomorrow will be back to the gym, back to work, and back to my normal routine. I hope you all have had a restful and enjoyable weekend too!

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 10 days…

Day 106: The Thrill of the Bargain!

Saturday, December 19

My day started with a knock on the door from one of my Indian friends. After Nivedida rushed me through the dressing process, it was off to the mall for two of my favorite things, coffee and ice cream with my friend, George! There was some lunch and shopping in there too!

Today was George’s last day. George became kind of like a second dad for me while over here. He was born in Hungry, moved to Argentina, then Australia, and finally the States. He is a 55 year old tri-linguist that has great stories and even better jokes. He is also the last of the folks that were here when I got here. I have officially been here longer than anyone else, and the worse part, I’ve watched two leave that arrived after I did and will watch four more do the same before it’s my turn.

Don’t feel too sorry for me, I’m so excited that Devin will be here in a little over a week! I can’t wait to show him everything this amazing city has to offer. In the meantime, I’m being catered to every meal, my bed is made for me every day, and I have a driver that will take me wherever I want to go whenever I want to go! ;-) Oh and I get to work with incredible people every day!
And then there is the shopping! I went to Connaught Place, affectionately referred to as CP by the locals, with a friend from work, Sahill, and his friend, Summer, who works in the Indian fashion industry. We looked in ever shoe hut that CP had to offer looking for shoes big enough to fit my size ten feet. I found ONE pair of decent, acceptable to my new gay fashion friend, and the crazy guy tried to charge me TRIPLE what the shoes were worth. He wouldn’t bargain at all, and didn’t even call back to me when I walked out! Agh, it was like shopping at home!

I did have much better luck with some really pretty pillow covers for my couch though! The lady had small one that she was selling for Rs. 25, but the next size up, she wanted triple, and they weren’t that much bigger! Sahill started to bargain for me and I told him I had this. I offered Rs. 100 for two and walked away when she said no. She quickly said “ok, ok” in English, and then something in Hindi that Sahill wouldn’t translate for me. He laughed and told me that he was impressed and I was a better bargainer then he ever imagined. I decided to take it as a compliment!

After a cup of coffee and a few more stops, it was back to the hotel for a restful evening. I watched tv, read, and went to bed “early” too! All in all a great day!! Until tomorrow…

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 11 days…

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 104: And the Winner is…

Thursday, December 17

The sweet Indian accent reminding me it’s time to get up work for a second morning in a row! I made it to the gym around 1:15 pm and Prakesh was there with a smile, ready to work me like a camel. He decided that a circuit training routine is the best course of action. After a quick warm-up on the treadmill and some mild stretching, the “fun” began. Oh My Goodness! That man went all “Biggest Loser” on my tail!

He had me doing biceps, triceps, quads, calves, hamstrings, back, chest, shoulders, and abs all in rapid secession. When I say rapid, I don’t mean the actual exercises, no those were slow, drawn out, muscle draining movements. The rapid part came in to play when moving from one exercise to the next. I guess that’s why they call it circuit. Once the circuit was completed twice, it was back to the treadmill for some cardio. Tomorrow is just cardio, but I’m pretty sure he has plans to get my heart rate on up there!

Work was a lot of fun tonight too! The questions are reducing which is always a plus, and means that the floor support has done their job. But at the end of the shift, the entire collections team went downstairs to the new part of the building for some R&R.

First off, the new part of the building is very nice and is where I will be for the last month of my time in India. But beyond that, we got great news, had some interesting activities, and saw some great kids get recognized for their hard work.

The great news, both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve are going to be half days! This is super exciting, especially the Christmas Eve because I should be able to make it to mid-night Christmas Eve church service! Plus, since the days change while at work, I would have had to actually work the first three and half hours of Christmas morning!! I was lucky enough to get all of New Years Eve off since Devin will be here, but nonetheless, it’s nice to know I won’t be missing as much work and that everyone else will get to welcome 2010 with their family and friends.

The best part of the evening though was the arm wrestling completion! Never in the States would such a thing take place, partly because the office is mostly women, but man these Indians know how to have a good time! It was hysterical to watch these 19 to 21 year old boys see who the machoest of them all was! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long, long time!

Needless to say, today was truly a great day! I’m not sure if my abs are sore from “The Light” or from the laughing, but either way, I’m happy. Add to that the fact that Devin will be here in less than two weeks, and I’m on Cloud Nine! ;-)

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 13 days…

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 103: Prakesh… It Means Light!

Wednesday, December 16

I did it!! I made it up at a decent hour and, get ready for this, FINALLY made it to the gym! And, I signed up for personal training too! I guess the sweet little Indian accent reminding me to get out of bed really did help. And no one commented on my dark circles tonight either, so I must have looked better too! All around a good thing!

Once at the gym, I met Prakesh the director of the gym and my new personal trainer. Today was spent talking about my medical and health history; I don’t think he believed me when I told him I use to run three miles a day. He messed with my bad ankle to get a better understanding what I could and couldn’t do. And of course we had to talk about what I currently weigh. I will say the number is a little easier to swallow in kilos!

Next Prakesh ask me what I want to accomplish in the time I have here. While I wanted to answer “a Tyra Banks body” I stuck with just to develop a routine and get as in shape as I can. He seemed pleased with this answer and excited to tailor a plan to do just that. I was quickly informed that today would just be cardio and we would start the hard core training tomorrow, after he has had some time to think up all kinds of fat burning, muscle toning moves! I’m not sure whether to be scared or excited. I think I’ll stick to both!

Prakesh put me on the treadmill and set the timer for 30 mins. He set the speed as well and it seemed really slow to me. Seeing as he is the expert, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and leave it on what seemed like an easy speed. And it was for the first five minutes until the incline went into high gear and I climbed the equivalent of Mt. Everest! WOW! My hindquarters are feeling the burn! After the treadmill, it was the bike for 15 mins, which wasn’t a big deal at all.

Once my “easy” cardio work out was completed, Prakesh came back to talk about tomorrow. He asked if I had two hours to work out, I do so I couldn’t lie. Oh dear! And then he told me his name means “light.” It was a rather interesting statement to make after telling he was going to literally work my tail off for two hours! I guess he thinks I need to see the light of day or maybe that he is the light to lead me out of being overweight? I’m not sure, but for as long as I live I will think of my trainer, the light!

I’ll let you all know how tomorrow goes!
With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 14 days…

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 102: The Curious Case of Elizabeth’s Sleep

Tuesday, December 15

So since my temporary move to India, I seem to have messed my sleeping schedule up so bad that it is beyond repair. Back in the States, even on the weekends, I usually only sleep 6-8 hours. A night that I get eight hours is really considered “sleeping in” for me usually. So how is it that in India, 6-8 just seems to be impossible?

I have been trying for WEEKS, literally, to get up in time to go to the gym before getting ready for work. This really shouldn’t be a problem. Just like at home, there are 24 hours in a day, approximately 12 of which are used for work related items, including preparation time, transportation, actual work, and lunch. My body should not require the remaining 12 for sleeping! But for some reason, India has brought out the Queen of Sleep in me!

And who knew that too much sleep will give you bags under your eyes!! I have NEVER in my life had dark circles around my eyes, even when I’ve not had enough sleep. Why are they ever so apparent when I am sleeping like an infant??

I have set alarms to no avail. I manage to turn them off without even waking up. I have even put the alarm on the other side of the room so that I have to actually get out of bed to turn it off! Haha! I get up, turn it off, and crawl right back into bed. So I have a new game plan, wakeup call! Let’s see if having someone with a sweet Indian accent telling me to get my butt out of bed will motivate me to get up on time!

Knowing that I wouldn’t have all the responsibilities of home life, I had all the plans for what I was going to do with all the “free time” I am having in India. While I have read several books, I have yet to some much as open my GRE study guide nor grace the doorway of a gym. I am getting some exercise due to all the walking work and weekends includes, but come on, I was suppose to come home with a Julia Roberts body! ;-)

So the wakeup call is set and the personal trainer at the gym is just waiting for me to give him something to do, so hopefully, tomorrow I will actually make it up after eight hours of sleep instead of 12! And maybe the eye bags will disappear along with a few pounds!
Until tomorrow’s report…

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 15 days…

Day 101: Dalmatians…

Monday, December 14

LOL! I couldn’t resist! Get it, 101 Dalmatians! Like the movie! Ahhhhh, it was a rough night at work, cut me some slack.

No really, tonight was filled with me being pulled in 101 directions for eight solid hours! I’m not sure what the deal was, there was only one person that went home this weekend, and these guys should be mostly self-sufficient. I guess they all just had a case of the Mondays!
Other than work, I really don’t have much to talk about today. After my wild and crazy weekend and only about 6.5 hours of sleep in about 48, I crashed hard when I finally let myself go to bed last night. I feel asleep around 3:45 am and didn’t get up till about 4:45 pm! I haven’t slept that much without being sick in years! Like 25!!

I don’t even have any cool “this is what I ate today” things to share. But 101 days is how long I will be in India! I will be halfway through with my “tour” at the end of this week! Honestly, it really has gone by fairly quickly. And I have learned so very much! I will always remember this experience and I’m thankful for everyday I get to spend here. Even the not so fun ones like today!

Hopefully tomorrow will bring more to talk about!
With Love,

Countdown to Devin: 16 days…

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 100: Amazing Celebrations!

Sunday, December 13

One hundred days as a Kansasean!! Too bad I’m not actually in Kansas to celebrate! LOL! Oh well, today was one of my favorite days in India thus far and I’ve been looking forward to telling you guys about it throughout the day!

My day started rather early, especially since I have only slept about six and a half hours in the past forty-two. Two of us drove to the other side of New Delhi to meet up with a guy from work to attend church. Talk about an eye opening, amazing experience! The church itself looked about like what I expected, but the service was just what I needed and didn’t even know it. Of course the whole place was decked out for Christmas, but in addition to that, there was a children’s play that was one of the cutest I have ever seen. Then the service started and I found myself tearing up.

There is a reason Jesus instructed us not to forsake the assembling of His people. I didn’t realize how much I missed church. I mean I knew I missed the people, but how much I missed being in the house of the Lord surrounded by believers, my heart surged with every moment. I look forward to going back next week! Other than losing my favorite Bible somehow, one of my top India experiences! And if I am going to lose something important to me in India, I want it to be my Bible; this country needs it so much. My only prayer is that it ends up in the hands of someone that God can use it to change lives! FYI, Devin, a new American Standard would be a fantastic Christmas present to bring me when you come to India! Guess we will see if he reads my blogs! ;-) No cheating friends!!

After church, it was off to the mall for lunch and a movie! Lunch didn’t work out quit like I thought it would, but it’s all good. And the movie was GREAT! The movie theaters make the ones back home look like dumps!! Huge leather seats that recline fully, tons of leg room, and the best part, all for about $5! Man I love India!! Well, minus the fact that the popcorn left something to be desired…

After getting back from the mall and the movie adventure, I meet up with one of the ladies that didn’t go to the movie with us at the hotel restaurant. I wasn’t hungry at all, not until an hour or so after she finished eating and everyone else had joined us. We ended up sitting around talking for hours. We talked about everything from Mohawks to the state of the modern church and everything in between.

Now I’m back in my room playing the stay up late to get back on my “normal” schedule game once again. Luckily, I have a few things I need to get done so it should take up most of my time between now and 4am. Ok well, I hope your day was as wonderful as mine! Until Monday….

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 17 days…

PS from Devin- I POST all these blogs, cause my wife is to cheap to buy internet service over of course I read them! :-) And with a collection of over 200 Bibles, I'm sure I can find a NASB around this office somewhere...crazy woman!

Day 99: Deck the Halls!

Saturday, December 12

So my plans to learn to cook Indian food today fell through. Kumar was with us for our Delhi adventure, and while I have not been to sleep yet, he on the other hand went home and crashed. We are going to reschedule sometime for a less eventful weekend! ;-)

Once back to the hotel, it was to the lunch buffet for a bite. I had some taste of Indian dishes, a slice of tenderloin (I love being at an American hotel, they even have cheeseburgers!) and some mashed potatoes! Unfortunately there were no green beans, but it was still pretty tasty!

After lunch, I headed up to my room and to a second care package! This one was from the church back home. They sent me cups of soup, lip gloss, granola bars, flavored splenda, a homemade Christmas card, a plethora of Crystal Light, Christmas M&M’s, and a Christmas CD!! I fixed a cup of apple cider, cranked up the Christmas music, and decked the halls! Ok so really I decked the window with Christmas cling-ons, but nonetheless I decorated for Christmas and loved every minute of it! All five of them! ;-)

I’ve spent most of the day with my knee propped up, sitting on the couch watching Maid in Manhattan and a new show, Royal Pain. Call me a bum if you must, but remember, I got out of bed at 4:45 pm yesterday, and it’s currently almost 7pm today!

At this point I’m just staying up long enough to talk to Devin! I already had dinner and said good bye to my dear Joy, crazy girl made me tear up. The rest of the evening looks like it going to involve watching America’s Got Talent and continuing to baby my beat up right side! ;-)
Tomorrow is church and a movie which will be a lot of fun after a great night’s sleep! So I think there is only one thing left to say, good night! ;-)

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 18 days…

Day 98: Its Friday Night, Oh My!!

Friday, December 11

Tonight was the craziest night I have experienced in years! I don’t want to give it all away, but let’s just say it involves motorcycles, merry-go-rounds, and eight hours with eight people in a minivan! What started as a few hours of hanging out after work to give Joy a fine farewell, turned into an all morning adventure!

After work, it was a quick run to the hotel to drop off all things work related. Once back in the van, we went to pick up a couple of friends from work. Next, off to Jas’s for Joy to get a motorcycle ride! A few others took turns and the rest of us jammed out to the radio station in the parking lot. Next, a sunrise tour of the greater Delhi area! Who knew how much fun seat dancing to Indi-Rock while wedged in the middle seat could be so much fun! Insert mild sarcasm….

Now that the sun was up, the bellies were growling! Where would one stop to grab a bite to eat at 8:30 in the morning? McDonald’s of course! After a picture of with the Ronald (pic posted on Facebook) it was inside for a lovely American breakfast. While there were no biscuits, there was Sausage Egg McMuffins! Other than not being able to get my usual pack of mustard to go with it, it was just like home. I was amazed how wonderful McDonald’s could taste for breakfast considering how much I HATE having it for dinner!

Next on the list, more Delhi touring and a trip to a genuine Indian Resort that I think must have been close to the coast as long as it took as to get there. But it was so amazing! When we pulled into the parking lot, there was the left over decorations from a wedding that were beautiful. Next, it was inside for a guided tour of the whole resort. Past the crystal blue swimming pool, it was to the full service spa. We saw all the different rooms where you can have everything from a full body massage to a hot stone treatment. They also have a couple massage room I’m thinking Devin and I should check out when he gets here!

The tour continued around the grounds. We had our picture made with a camel and even got to pet the sweet animal. We saw more of the wedding decorations that a small army was working on taking down. And then, the Mecca of the resort as we know it… the playground!

Imagine seven adults enjoying a swing, slide, monkey bars, see-saw, and merry-go-round! At least until I got flung off the merry-go-round and rolled about 10 feet before coming to a stop against another piece of playground equipment. I totally busted my hip, elbow, knee, and far right pinky toe! I have a lot more velocity at 26 than I did at 11, the last time I was on one of those things. My knee took the blunt of the trauma, but I think I will survive. Actually, I’m rather proud of myself. I’ve been in India for six weeks and this is my first notable bruise. As you know, grace is not my strong point so I think this is the remarkable feat!

After finishing the tour of the beautiful resort, it was finally back to the hotel, to complete our eight hour Delhi adventure! Seeing as tomorrow is already here, I’ll go right into my Saturday blog…

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 19 days…

Day 97: Boo Hiss Brown Cow

Thursday, December 10

Oh Friday, dear Friday, where for art thou!? Why is it that Thursdays seem like the longest day of the week, even longer than Mondays? At least in Elizabeth world…

Part of the problem is I have exciting plans for this weekend! Saturday I’m going to go over to one of the guys from work house and his wife is going to teach me to cook Indian style. Very exciting! Sunday morning I’m going to church with one of the few Christians I’ve met while here and then going to see New Moon with some of the girls from work. Should turn out to be an adventuresome weekend! Far superior to last weekend when I spent the weekend in bed wishing it didn’t hurt to breathe!

Nothing spectacular at work to write about and nothing really that exciting outside of work either. Unless you want to count the McDonald’s from last night making me sick and causing me to miss sightseeing, but I really don’t think any of this counts as exciting. Thus, I’m opting to use this blog to respond to some of the comments you, my faithful readers, have left! ;-)

Aunt Jane, I don’t know about the gym here yet. I was so sick when we moved in this past weekend, I wasn’t interested in looking. I have spent most of this week recuperating. Hopefully, by Monday I will be ready to rock-n-roll! And yes, knowing the hotel manager on a first name bases is proving to have its perks! They now have popcorn on the room service menu!! Oh, and a Cheeseburger at my favorite house of Lynnhaven drive sounds remarkable!!
Mama Rickett, the stair might be great exercise, but they are creepy as all get out! I think I’ll keep my exercise to the treadmills!

ECarter, I LOVE that you wanted to be Solid Gold Dancer! I do know what it is and I look forward to the day I get to see you show off those MAD dancing skills! ;-)
I love you all so much! And we’ll talk again tomorrow!

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 20 days…

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 96: Just Another Day in Indian Paradise

Wednesday, December 9

As I look at all the pictures on facebook of snow and hear reports of below freezing temperatures back home, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to be in a sunny, lovely India. I mean once you get used to the dusty air and the constant sneezing, it’s a lovely place!

No really, it’s great; I hate snow so it works out well for me. At least it will when they finally open the new pool and I can go back to my daily sunshine treatments! ;-)

I’ve turned the hotel room into a mini home away from home finally. I’m looking forward to decorating for Christmas this weekend. There is a package, including a Christmas CD, which is going to be here on Saturday so I’m thinking Sunday I’ll play the CD and hang my window cling decorations. No tree this year, at least not in my room, but according to the hotel manager, there will be one in the lobby after this weekend! I wonder if I can get in on helping decorate!

Work tonight was work. I did get to try a homemade Indian dish and pickled mango. I wasn’t sure what it would be like, but I really liked it! It was an eggplant dish but it really just tasted like the spices and such. And the pickled mango, very interesting. Not at all what I thought something that had been “pickled” would taste like, but very tangy and tasty!

Ok well, I’m out until tomorrow!
With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 21 days…

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 95: Hot Chocolate!!! WOW!

Tuesday, December 8

So the longer we are at the new hotel, the more I am realizing it’s not so bad after all. Maybe it has something to do with the hotel GM that joined me for lunch today. His name is Matthew and he has worked for Marriot all around the world. He, his wife and two daughters have lived here in India for four years now and this is the second hotel that he has opened in Delhi.

Matthew had great stories about traveling all over Asia. And he is from Australia and told me all about Australian history as well as where to visit, just in case I’m ever in that part of the world. He was even at the Marriott across from the Twin Towers on 9/11. It was very interesting to hear his stories and just to talk to someone other than the work folks. Not that they are bad people, quite the opposite, I’ve just heard all their stories! ;-)

Plus, I learned about some of the things to come in the next few weeks as far as the hotel is concerned. There is a coffee shop opening in a couple weeks. As well as a Sushi bar in the new restaurant that should be opening soon! It’s kind of nice to know the guy that is making all the decisions about the hotel I have moved into for the next two months! And to drop a few hints on the things I would love to have added, like a microwave in my room!

But the best part of meeting the hotel general manager, I was introduced to the most amazing hot chocolate I have ever had in my entire life! It starts with fresh steamed milk in a very cute cup, served with three Lindor chocolate truffle balls on the side. You add the three truffles to the milk and stir like mad. Then, prepare to be amazed! I have never had hot chocolate that tasted this good! It was melt in your mouth, dream about another, fantastic!

Well, now that I have made your mouth water, and made me want another one, I better go for now! Have a great night and super thanks to everyone that has participated in my little questionnaire!

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 21 days…

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 94: Learning to Love…

Monday, December 7

It’s weird. Some days I feel like I’ve been here for six years, other times, like I’ve been here for six day. But never like the true, six weeks that I’ve actually been here. I will say I love the Indian culture. It’s very family oriented and they take care of each other. It’s a beautiful thing!
The new hotel is slowly getting better, well maybe... It did take us almost an hour to get to the office because of all the traffic coming from this way. But other than that, and a few other little kinks that need to get worked out, it’s not so bad.

I have had a problem with my key not working every other time I leave my room. When I got home for work tonight, my key didn’t work. Since it was 4am, no housekeeping was roaming the halls so I had to go back downstairs myself. Not such a big deal except for the part where the elevators weren’t working! Ok, so down the three flights a super sketchy stairs that leads outside of the building. Once I finally got to the hotel lobby, I was a little feisty, but politely explained my key dilemma and problem with the elevator. Not only were they able to permanently (we shall see) fix my key issue, they also explained that they are working on synchronizing the elevator and that too should be fixed by tomorrow morning!

Laundry is yet another adventure! I sent some laundry on Saturday and just got it back today. Amongst all my size clothing, there was an XS shirt. Obviously, not mine! And I’m missing a shirt that is mine. Housekeeping is working on this, and I hope I get it back. It’s my favorite nightshirt, one of Devin’s old shirts that is as close to a hubby hug as I can get in this foreign country. Well, at least until he gets here in 22 days! Not that I’m counting or anything!

Ok well tomorrow is technically already here so I should get some sleep. Have a fantastic day and keep in touch! I’m really starting to feel disconnected from the home country!

Countdown to Devin: 22 days…

Day 93: Better…

Sunday, December 6

So sorry for the super short blog last night. It was a rough day, but it really is amazing what almost 24 hours of straight sleep will do for a bad cold! That and some who-knows-what Indian cough syrup!

Anyway, I woke up this morning feeling considerably better although still quite stuffy. I went to the incredible breakfast buffet downstairs around 9:30 am. I ran into some of the other work folks and decided to head to the mall/store for a weekly restock of snacks around noon. After reminiscing over all we missed from our old hotel, we went our separate ways for a little bit.
At noon sharp, it was back down the sketchy, but getting better, elevators to take a cab out. We had planned on going to a mall closer to the new hotel, but the driver didn’t seem to have a clue of where we were talking about. We ended up going back to the mall at the Leela. Other than the feel of salt in a wound in seeing our precious hotel in passing, it was for the best.

I was able to hit up the atm, grab a cup of coffee, and go to the bazaar for some juice and cold medicine. Once back at the hotel, I felt drained. I laid in bed, not really sleeping, not really awake, until my tummy started growling like a bear in the spring. A sure sign that I’m getting better! Once again, down the slowly becoming more reliable elevator for some chicken and mashed potatoes! Yummy! So I think the food here is actually better! Maybe it’s the fact that it’s not quite as gourmet and a little more home like. Either way, at least that is one positive about this new hotel!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t make up for the leaky toilet and shower that doesn’t drain! But we passed a shanti town on the way back from the mall. I was once again reminded of how blessed and fortunate I am! I have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, and only miss meals when I choice to not stop long enough to have one! Thus, I’ve decided not to complain anymore about the new digs.

That pretty much sums up my first weekend in the new place! Tomorrow is the start of week six! Only nine more to go! Good thing the hubster will be here in less than four!! ;-)

Countdown to Devin: 23 days…

Day 92: Sick…

Saturday, December 5

Sorry this isn’t much of a blog. I have a nasty cough and killer headache. I’m going back to bed…

Countdown to Devin: 24 days…

Day 91: Bye, Bye Princess Lair

Friday, December 4

Well, today is moving day. Due to poor contract following on one hotel’s part, I am being forced to move out of my princess palace and into a commoner’s hotel. I will miss Ravi, my wonderful housekeeper. And Anish and Ruby my excellent coffee friends, and of course my Ankita who always tells me hello and have a good day! I’m not sure I can go back to the simple life of peasants, but then again, maybe a good dose of reality will make me more prepared for heading home. Ok off to packing, I’ll finish my blog from the other side….

Ten hours later…

UGH!!! One, I went from a little coughy to can’t hardly hold my head up at work tonight. I probably should have come back to the hotel sooner, but seeing as I had to move to the new hotel before falling asleep to not risk missing check out, I decided to stick it out. Two, now I’m at the new hotel, and it is exactly that, new! Don’t get me wrong, it’s very nice, it’s just not my Leela. The service is still trying to figure out there jobs, the elevators are hit and miss, and the bed is not broken in (read hard as a rock). Also, my poor skin went from sleeping with Egyptian cotton to 150 thread count exfoliating sheets, how will I ever manage??

Before you start making fun of me for being spoiled, remember I’m sick! Speaking of which, I’m going to go try to sleep off whatever this is that is making breathing a chore! One more thing, my travel plans have changed once again. I’m still in India till the beginning of February; I will just be staying in Delhi. No Mumbai of me, but it’s all good! I love Delhi!!

Until tomorrow…
Countdown to Devin: 25 days…

Day 90: Is Anyone Out There?

Thursday, December 3

Hmmm… So I’m beginning to wonder if anyone is still out there? I know my blogs are a lot more sporadic, and for that I apologize! I think I thought every day was going to be a lot more of an adventure then it has turned out to be, and maybe you guys did too. Oh well, at least I’m not bored, even if everyday seems to strongly resemble the day before! Who says you can watch too many reruns of Friends??

Anyway, in effort to bring some excitement to my otherwise dying blog, I decided to ask some questions. My request, if you read this, answer at least one question. Feel free to answer as many as you like, but please answer at least one, just to let me know you are out there! India’s kind of lonely otherwise ;-)

1) Pick a favorite hot beverage: cider, coffee, or cocoa?

2) While in India, what is the one thing I can’t go home without trying?

3) Which best describes your secret side: bananas, passion fruit, or eggplant?

4) What is the very first career you ever wanted? Think back to when you were four or five!

5) Favorite flavor of ice cream: Fruit and Nuts, Candies Galore, or Straight Shooting Chocolate?

6) Describe your dream vacation.

7) If you could be born in a different era, when would it be?

8) When I FINALLY get home, what should be the first thing I eat: Cheeseburger, sausage
biscuit, or blueberry muffin?

9) What is a bit of American news I have probably missed while in India?

10) Which would be hardest to live without: sugar, salt, or love?

Thank you to everyone that participates in my little link to the American world! I miss you guys and look forward to coming home!

With love,
Countdown to Devin: 26 days…

Day 89: Shades of Blue

Wednesday, December 2

I finished book three of my India trip. One of my favorite authors is Karen Kingsbury, but I only brought three of her books with me, so I have to ration them out. Especially since I read the entire book in three days! Well, this isn’t going to be much of a review, seeing the book was from my favorite author, of course I loved it, but at least I can give a brief overview so you fall in love too! ;-)

The two main characters of Shade of Blue, Emma and Brad, were elementary sweethearts back in Wilmington, NC. First plus since I’m a NC fan myself! Add the fact that Emma graduated from NC State, and we have a real winner!! Anyway, Brad went to the “other” NC school and then moved away to NYC. He and Emma would have probably lasted forever, except for a poor decision they made the summer after Brad graduated. In an attempt to hide their mistakes, Brad and Emma make a decision that forever changes their lives.

Emma is left feeling guilty and alone while Brad goes on with his life, burring his past in the depths of his memory. That is until weeks before his wedding, when he stumbles across an old picture of Emma. The guilt for all that they did compounds with the guilt over the way he left Emma overwhelms him. After deciding he can’t continue with his future until he confronts his past, he explains it all to his finance and heads back to the Carolina coast to straighten out his twisted mess he left behind.

This book is a tear jerking reminder of the power of forgiveness and acceptance. The ending is realistic; as is the entire book, and leaves you feeling reassured about true love and more importantly God’s love. While not my favorite Kingsbury read, this book was very good and was an excellent light read after the Shack and Memoirs of Geisha back to back!

With love,
Countdown to Devin: 27 days…

Day 88: December! Say What!!

Tuesday, December 1

I cannot believe its December! If I was at home the stockings would be hung from the chimney with care and tree sparkling with Barbie ornaments from here to there!! But India it’s a whole new ballgame. Supposedly they celebrate Christmas, but I am beginning to think I need to remind them what month it is. There is the slight possibility that the rest of the world doesn’t celebrate the Christmas holiday over a month period of time, and that they haven’t forgotten! Only time will tell…

Work is going well. I had my last interview for the promotion I put in for before moving from Jackson. If time can be used to judge, it must have went really well. The interview was almost two hours long! No really, I thought it went very well and the lady that interviewed me, who would most likely be my direct supervisor if hired, is awesome! She seems really nice, but beyond that her personality is one that I would work very well with. I should know something by next Wednesday, one way or the other. We shall see…

Other than that, life goes on as usual. I’m dreading the move to the new hotel. I’m really going to miss all that is the Leela Kempinski! But one can’t live life as a princess forever!

With love,
Countdown to Devin: 28 days…


Monday, November 30

Ok so I realize that hate is a strong word, but I think that about sums up my feelings for this insane sport. For those of you that know me at all, you know that I am by no means some kind of sports hating girl. I know the rules to most sports. ESPN is on channel 35 in India. I know the Super Bowl is played either the last weekend in January or first weekend in February, depending on the season, and all the number name combinations for March Madness. I even know the World Series is a seven game series! I love hockey and can enjoy the occasional wrestling match, and a perfect Sunday involves me and a Titans or Colts game. Needless to say, I like most sports!

With the exception of this weird game called cricket! Now, I realize that cricket is not a sport I grew up with, so when I discovered that there are literally FOUR channels devoted to 24 hours a day of the sport, I decided I should learn a little more about it. I attempted to watch the game several time, yea that was boring! So I thought I would ask someone the rules of the game. After all, maybe I was missing something.

No such luck! The point is to hit the weakly pitched ball, which is allowed to bounce off the ground, and manage not to hit these three little sticks out of this whole big field! Wow, so difficult! (Insert sarcasm) Oh and to make it even more “complex,” there are only two bases and neither of them is home, you just have to run back and forth as many times as possible before someone catches you. Ummmm fun!

Anyway, glad there are a few other channels to choose from! Who am I kidding, I have way more channels then at home! LOL! I love India!

With love,
Countdown to Devin: 29 days…

Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 86: The Paris of India

Sunday, November 29

So I’m not sure why Jaipur is referred to as the Paris of India, or even if it is. Sometimes I think that people tell me things because I’m so gullible. Either way, I’m so glad we went. I think this was my favorite day in India. Even if it was a four hour drive there and five back!

My day started at 6am with a call from my hubby! Always a great way to start the day! I miss him so much and can’t wait for him to be here so I can get hugs and show him this amazing country. After a short chat, it was off for a quick shower and the race downstairs for breakfast. We were on the road to Jaipur a little before 8am!

Along the four hour drive, we saw monkeys, elephants, and lots and lots of camels. Delhi, where I “live” and work is very flat. All of the sudden, about half way to Jaipur, out of nowhere, appears a mountain. Well, at least very, very large pile of dirt. The closer we got to our final destination, both the size and number increased. As it turns out, Jaipur is in the mountains!

We visited Amber Fort first where we were able to take some very neat pictures of the city below. We saw the world’s largest cannon on wheels. And, we got to see an Indian puppet show! Super neat! I have so many pictures I look forward to when I get back to the States!

Next it was off to my personal favorite, Tiger Palace. This was the palace for the seven queens and two concubines, for a total of nine wives of the king, all living in the same house! The palace it’s self was spectacular with hand painted walls that have lasted over 300 years and separate dwellings for each of the nine wives. The stories that the guide shared with us… even better. There is a special enclosed walkway that was just for the king. The walkway allowed the king to travel between wives without causing unnecessary jealousy! HaHa! There is no way that would fly at my house! I’m the one and only type! (interjection by Devin- so she thinks! ;-)

We took a driven tour of the rest of the city, including a stop at a fabric manufacture to watch them hand print the beautiful fabrics! Oh and I tried on a sari! I didn’t buy it, it was a little out of my price range, but I am totally determined to find one now!! ;-) After a bite to eat at the mall, it was back in the car for the very long ride back to the hotel.

Today was truly an amazing day! Very worth the drive! The only thing that would make it better, Devin being here. But the good news, he’ll be here a month from today! ;-)

With love,
Countdown to Devin: 30 days…

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 85: Another Perspective

Nov. 28th

This is Devin, checking in as the month comes to a close. This has officially been the longest month of my life! I thought having Elizabeth gone would be almost fun, like before when i was i could do all the things I did back them.

I am so boredit's crazy. The things that were fun at 21, 22 aren't as apprealing in my mid 20's. And lets not even talk about night time. I hate going to bed with nothing but my pillow to sunggle! :-(

It's not all bad though. I've been crazy busy at the church. I'm trying to get a computer check in system up and running. It's not working the way I want it to, so that's causing delay. Of course, it would be too easy for it to jus work! Such is life.

This coming week I am doing 2 chapel services and preaching in the adult service on Sunday the 6th. And I also work part time at Family Christian Bookstores for the holiday season. Apparently I thought it would be a good idea to have something to do...Now I'm just tired! I knew there was a reason I got out of retail-and the Christmas shopping season is it!

Thankfully I am going to be heading to india. At least I better be, since the tickets are bought. I don't think its a good investment to spend all that money and watch the plane fly off without me. So, for the scond time in my life I get to be an international traveler to literally the other side of the world! I won't be going until December, so I have some time to pack. Thank God! Usually I would let Elizabeth handle that, but this time that isn't really an option...

Well, that's all that's new here. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Until next month...

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 84: Memoirs of a Geisha

Friday, November 27

I finished Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden several days ago, but I wanted to wait until after I watched the movie to share my thoughts. Of course, the movie was not as good as the book, but isn’t that always the case! On to the review…

This book is a sort of auto biography of the fictional character, Sayuri. Although born Chiyo-chan in a small fishing village in the early 1900’s, her family sold her to an “okiya” or geisha house when she was nine years old. The first third of the book is about the trials and tribulations that took this daughter of an old fisherman, to be one of the most beautiful geisha Japan had ever seen. The descriptions of the cruelty and triumphs this young lady underwent made this book next to impossible to put down.

Along the way, you find yourself wishing you too could become a geisha. To be dressed to the nines, made up every night, and paid to attend one fabulous party after another. About that time you have decided to move to Japan, you are reminded of what life as a geisha is really like. Flirting with men you find repulsive, being “owned” by the mother of the okiya for all the “debts” she feels you owe her, and the worse, having your most precious gift auctioned off like cattle at the livestock barn. I felt like I was a on a roller coaster of emotions as to whether I pity or envy the life of Sayuri.

After her “mizuage” went for the highest price in history, Sayuri spent years loving the man that had been kind to her as a child. The one man that was untouchable since his business partner and literal life saver is in love with Sayuri and desires to become her danna, or provider/lover.
The book takes Sayuri through World War II when she works as a cloth dyer for a kimono maker and to the reopening of the geisha districts. Once back as a geisha, the reader is drawn further into the geisha world as the American soldiers enter the picture and life goes back to being a constant party. As the book grows closer to an end, a trip to a vacation island, finds Sayuri at the turning point of her life!

This book is a wonderful display of self discovery and the power of positive thinking! While there are a few scenes that are on the mature side, I highly recommend this book for anyone over the age of 18. The history of the book alone is informative and intriguing, add to that a wonderful story line and I give this book four out of five stars!

With love,
Countdown to Mumbai: 40 days…

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 83: Happy Thanks!

Thursday, November 26

Well this has defiantly been one of the most interesting Thanksgivings I have ever experienced. Of course the lack of Turkey and Dressing is a first, but no family time was really something I was dreading. However, today has turned out to be quite nice actually.

I “started” the day by staying up when I get home from work last night until the breakfast bar opened. So worth it! I had a rather random selection of foods, everything from a raspberry pancake to an Indian dish that tasted a whole lot like chili! And of course lots of coffee and juice!
After breakfast, I finally went to bed with the intention of only sleeping a couple hours and then getting up and going to the pool. I made it to the pool, but it wasn’t two hours after I went to bed. Once I finally woke up and got to the pool, I was in a form of heaven on earth! There are waterfalls that make a continuous peaceful noise. A pool attendant brings you a bottle of water and anything else you want! Oh yea, and there are huge fluffy towels and the most comfortable lawn chairs ever!

I spent several hours lounging and enjoying some sunshine. I read half of my new book, Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury. I finished Memories of a Geisha and I’m going to watch the movie tonight and do my “review” tomorrow. After the sun went down, it got very cool, very quick. I went to the spa to enjoy the hot tub and sauna.

After warming up, I got ready for dinner and met up with a couple of the other ladies. We headed to the mall for dinner at India’s version of an Applebee’s, a restaurant called India Joe. Food was pretty good and is a place I’d be willing to head back to again. On the way out of the mall, I had a scoop of gelato to finish my Thanksgiving meal. Ok if I can’t have pumpkin cheesecake and sweet potato soufflĂ© then I can at least have a little ice cream! ;-)

When I came back to my room, there was a fruit crisp type of dessert on plate and written in chocolate “Happy Thanks.” I’m not sure if this was due lack of room for the rest. Or maybe a thought for what today is truly all about. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks. Thanks can only be given with a joyful heart, otherwise, it’s not sincere. Maybe this wasn’t a “misprint” after all…
All in all, this has been a beautiful day! While I have missed my family and traditional foods, it is even easier than usually to think of all the things I’m thankful for while in a developing country! I hope you all have a wonderfully happy Thanksgiving!

With love,

Countdown to Mumbai: 41 days…

Day 82: So it’s Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25

Today was somewhat of an interesting day. It started with the usually trip to the mall for a bite and then off to work. Interestingly enough, that it when things got interesting!

In our “morning” drill down call, we found out that we are going to be moving hotels. How do I feel about this you might ask? Well, I’m not very exciting about saying good bye to all my friends here at the Leela. And I will greatly miss the mall being so close with the KFC and quick access to movies. It figures that we are moving to the new hotel the day that “New Moon” premiers in India!

But on the upside, we are moving to the Marriot, read free hotel stay in the States thanks to Marriot points! Also, the Leela only has one restaurant open during the day and it serves the same menu as room service. The other two only open at night when we are at work. The Marriot has four restaurants, one of which is a cafĂ© with sandwiches and coffee! From the pictures of the rooms, they look to be almost as nice as my current princess lair, but the verdict is still out on the bathroom. I couldn’t see enough of it in the picture to decide.

The best part of the move, we will be the some of the first guest to stay at the hotel. They are opening the day before we make the change. How cool will it be to be some of the first guests? Plus, Joy seems to think we will have lots of perks as some of their first guest too! Should be fun and I think the Marriot points alone will make it a better deal!

The next interesting moment, having Thanksgiving start while I was a work! It’s kind of weird because we work the same hours here that we work back home. However, due to the time difference we go into work on one day, and leave on another day. The same thing will happen Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve as well. I will say the other two should be more excited, but still it was neat to get all the Happy Thanksgiving wishes at midnight! Even if I did have to explain why we celebrate Thanksgiving and that turkey and dressing is not the same as a turkey in a dress!

Currently, I am trying to figure out how I want to spend my day off while staying awake long enough to go down for the breakfast buffet. The pool is sounding pretty good as an option and maybe even a movie, assuming that I can find one I want to see that is playing in English! I’ll let you know how it all turns out tomorrow!

With Love,

Countdown to Mumbai: 42 days…

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 81: Exciting News!

Tuesday, November 24

So today’s blog isn’t going to be very long. I don’t have a lot to share about my day except for my tidbit of exciting news but I’ll get to that momentarily….

Since my buddies went home, I have ordered room service and not left my room other than going to work. This is about as exciting as watching a oak tree grow, so I have made plans to go to the mall with one of the new ladies tomorrow. Hopefully this will lead to a little excitement or at least something other than the three beautiful walls and picturesque window of my princess lair.

I know that what I had to eat today is not suppose to be the point of my blog, but I had something new today. Room service has an option for grilled tiger prawns. I have eyed this multiple times but wasn’t sure it was going to be worth what they were charging for it. However, the need for variety outweighed my frugalness and I decided to indulge. SO AMAZING!! It came as two of the biggest shrimp/small lobsters I have ever seen, served on a bed of roasted veggies and risotto. It was very rich, but also very delicious!

Oh and then there is the exciting news! And you thought I forgot! I got a final interview for the major promotion I applied for back in August! I have the last interview on Friday. I am still a little in shock, but super excited of course! Say a little prayer. This would be a big step for me, but I’m ready!

I going to call it a night and get some rest! Thank you to each of you that has left messages and kept in touch! I really appreciate all the love and support I have received!
With Love,

Countdown to Mumbai: 43 days…

Day 80: All The Things I Forgot to Put in Yesterday’s Blog

Monday, November 23

I realize that this is a rather random title for a blog, but I when recapping my weekend at work today, I decided I had left out some rather humorous moments about my adventure with Joy. Yesterday was such a busy, exciting day I just couldn’t get it all into one blog anyway, so it’s a good thing that it’s going to be over two. That and the fact that other than the delicious Indian food, that was SOOOO much better than cold McDonald’s, nothing terribly exciting happened today.

So I talked about the insanely packed rail car on the Metro, but I forgot to tell about the ride back on the Metro. I’m not sure how it worked out this way, but when we switched trains to go back to where we got on, the car only had about 10 people, and five of them were my group. The hand rails on the Metro here are little red loops. They remind me of a sort of monkey bar set you would find on a playground back home.

Since we were all but the only ones on the train, we were free to move about the cabin. Linda decided that the handle loops looked like something that one should attempt to put their foot in. Joy is about 5’6” and Linda a little shorter. As the tallest by far, I was nominated to attempt to get my foot to the loop. The best part, I actually could get my foot that high!! LOL! I couldn’t get my foot into the loop, but I was rather surprised/proud that I could get my foot to even touch the handle bar!!

The other hysterical moment, me being offered my first Indian drink. Oh but it gets better, it was Jack Daniels!! I grew up 30 minutes from where that stuff was made and I’m offered a shot in India. But this story gets even more outrageous, the guy that offered it to me was one of THREE grown men riding on a single motorcycle going down the interstate and I was in my taxi!
When I caught this guy staring at me at a light, I gave a simple smile, the best way to handle those that stare. As traffic let up and we were back to driving 95 kph, he held up his bottle and mouthed “want some.” I started laughing and had to bust out the camera for this one! When I rolled down the window to take a picture, he held out his hand for me to shake! Keep in mind we are going at least 60 mph down the interstate in crazy India traffic. Now was this really a good idea!! I took the picture and rolled up the window, laughing till my sides hurt the whole time!
Well that about sums up the funniest moments of yesterday!

Countdown to Mumbai: 44 days…

Devin's interjected thoughts: My wife is crazy!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 79: The Joy of Adventure

Sunday, November 22

I woke up this morning with no alarm at all at 7:38 am. I have seen 7 am many times since coming to India; however, it is usually on the other side of sleeping. While this was crazy early, it was wonderful to watch the sun move across the morning sky.

I also was able to go to breakfast and have fresh squeezed orange juice! I ate blueberry pancakes, which had lots, not just one like my muffin, of blueberries. I also had fresh pineapple and roasted potatoes. Oh and French press coffee of course!

After a very relaxing morning, I meet up with my friend Joy from Jackson. She was actually the one that encouraged me to apply for the company that has now given me this amazing Indian experience. Linda, the new lady, and two other folks from work, joined us for a trip all over Delhi. So technically, we only went to one temple, a grocery store, and rode the Metro, but we managed to go all over the city!

After about an hour and half in the van, we arrived at a huge temple complex that had just been completed last year. I have no idea was god it was for, but it was all hand carved over a seven year time frame. They wouldn’t let us take our cameras with us, so all I have are pictures from afar. However, Joy and Linda had group photos taken so maybe I can get in out that action and posted on Facebook. We also had popcorn at the temple! Go figure! It was really good though! And the temple was beautiful, and incredibly detailed.

Afterwards, it was a trip on the Delhi Metro. Imagine the most packed train you can imagine. I mean every sit taken, every hand rail in use, every square inch has a foot on it. Got a good mental image of a human sardine can? Now add about 250 more people per car and that was my Indian subway experience! It really was quit hysterical! Every time the train stopped I had about 800 people leaning on me! We had the pleasure of being in the very back of our car! But I’m glad we did it. It really was something I will never forget!

After my adventure with Joy, it was off to dinner at the Indian restaurant. I had some amazing Murgh Makhni (a delicious chicken dish), a taste of Gosht Beliram (a mutton dish), rice, and of course Naan! So yummie! I might have a blister on my tongue from all the chilies, but oh man! It is so good!

Now I’m sitting in my room struggling to stay awake till my “normal” bed time so I can sleep enough to not be tired tomorrow night at work. Also, tomorrow I’m determined to get up and go to the gym. There are FREE personal trainers down there and I need to take advantage! I’ll let you know how it goes! ;-)

Countdown to Mumbai: 45 days…

Day 78: Friends Are Friends Forever!

Saturday, November 21

So today was spent with my new friend Monica before she left to go home. Monica is one of the sweetest people I have met in a long time. She reminds me so much of Amy, it really has made this experience easier to adjust to. Don’t get me wrong, Amy is a one and only, but Monica has the same sweet caring personality and is tall and blonde to boot! ;-)

Today we slept in till late afternoon. No sneering, remember, we don’t get home from work till around 4:30 am and it was well after 7 am before either of us got to sleep. We stayed up chatting and hanging out and then Monica had a little packing still to do.

After finally dragging our tails out of bed, it was off to the mall. We had a cup of coffee and I had a blueberry muffin. Ok so by blueberry muffin, I mean blueberry, not to be confused with blueberries. Tis true, there was one blueberry in my muffin. But it was still really good so no complaints.

Next it was to the Indian version of Sears meets Target with a touch of Barnes and Noble, a store called Reliance. They have a little of everything from books and ties to dresses and maps. Monica and I had fun finding a few more things for her to take home to hear family.
Once all the new items were stored away in Monica’s room, it was upstairs to the Italian restaurant for one more round of Pumpkin Ravioli. Yum! We decided to split an apple pie dessert. While quite tasty, it was not like any pie I’ve ever had. It was like a pancake with caramel sauce and very thinly sliced apples.

Once dinner was over, it was time for Monica to catch her ride to the airport. After a few tears and big hugs, she rode away to the catch a plane back to the States. I’m sad to have her go, but I’m excited for her to be back with her boys and to get to spend the holidays with her family.
Now, I’m up in my room getting ready to go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be sightseeing with Joy!

Until then…
Countdown to Mumbai: 46 days…

Day 77: Casual Friday

Friday, November 20

There are few things in this world that make work as exciting as casual Fridays. I’m not sure what it is about not having to dress up and being able to wear tennis shoes to work that make me giddy inside, like a college girl. After dressing up all week, it’s just a day everyone “lets their hair down.”

Tonight was made even better by all the festive activities. First, tonight was my dear Monica’s last night here in India. Her team threw her a little going away party including a chocolate cake and tons of pictures. She also received several nice gifts from different people, including a beautiful necklace and a tea.

Next, George, one of the other floor supports, had promised some of his guys that he would grow out his beard and try on a turban. Tonight was the night. After a couple weeks of not shaving his face, he looked almost convincing as a native. Ok not really, but it was absolutely hysterical! I Literally, I was doubled over laughing till my sides hurt!

Lastly, they have started an incentive program at the office here. In an effort to jump start the program, they handed out gifts to the top producers on each team. It was really cool to see how excited the teams got for their winner. No jealousy, no animosity, just genuine pride in each other’s hard work! It was a refreshing take on the work world. I will say I’m sure it helps that the average age of the advisors is probably 22. Maybe they just haven’t been in the work force long enough to learn the cruelty of jealous coworkers. Or maybe that is just an American thing… Hmmm, something to think about!

I’ll think about it tomorrow, I’m going to bed for now! ;-)

With Love,
Countdown to Mumbai: 47 days…

Day 76: Is it Friday Yet?

Thursday, November 19

Why is it that no matter how good, or bad for that matter, a week is, we always look forward to Friday? This Thursday is no different. I’m not even sure I have anything specific that I’m looking forward to. In fact, I kind of dread this weekend because my two buddies are going back to the states. Lisa heads home tomorrow, tonight was her last night. And Monica leaves Saturday night. Nonetheless, once again I find myself in another Thursday wishing for the weekend.

I remember being little and Grandmother always telling me not to wish my life away when I would “wish” I was my sister’s age so I could do the cool stuff she did. With the exception of Thursdays, I tend to live by my Grandmother’s advice. It seems like my life, as it turns out goes by entirely too fast without any wishing!

Take for instance the fact that my ten year high school reunion is just over a year away! I’ve been out of college for five years already! I had my dream wedding to my prince charming almost two years ago! And I’m already three weeks into my India trip! I guess its true, time does fly when you’re having fun.

I’ll have to find some new kinds of fun come Sunday though, since my buddies will be gone. Good thing I have only watched one of the movies I brought and still have a slew of books to read. Plus, my friend Joy, that will be here till the beginning of December, has lots of fun things planned for the weekends. Too bad she’s the one that works such different hours during the week.

Ok well since technically it is already Friday, I suppose I will wrap it up and call it a night. I hope you all are doing well and know I miss you all!

With Love,
Countdown to Mumbai: 48 days…

Day 75: Hump Day

Wednesday, November 18

Well its Wednesday, hump day. Nothing terribly exciting at all today. I’m sure I ate, but I’m not exactly sure what. I did have pizza for dinner, but it made my tummy upset, no fun. Wow, I’m kind of being whiny, and that is no fun to read! LOL!

On a more pleasant note, I’m over halfway finished with my Memories of a Geisha book. So good! What little bit of time that I’m not spending working or sleeping, I have my nose stuck in the book.

I have started making friends with some of the hotel staff. Everyone is so sweet and treats me like a part of the family. There is always someone willing to tell me something new about the Indian culture or a different place to go shopping. It’s not the same as having all my friends from home, but it sure is nice to have someone to talk to every now and then. With Monica and Lisa leaving this weekend, I’m glad to know I will still have other ladies to talk to. I guess that’s not really fair. There are other work folks, but they work different hours than I do so I only see them on the weekends.

Devin is working on getting his Visa so he can come to Delhi before I head to Mumbai. I look forward to him being here and being able to show him around to all the fun things I’m learning about. And feeding him Naan will be fun too! ;-)

Ok, well I think that is enough rambling for one day, until tomorrow…

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 74: My Prince Charming

Tuesday, November 17

There once was a prince named Devin who was from the Land of Corn. One day he was asked to move to a far away land. Little to Prince Devin’s knowledge, there was a fair maiden in this far away land that was in desperate need of being sweep off her feet, even though she didn’t realize this either. The Lord had a plan for Prince Devin and the fair maiden, but first, they each had to trust Him completely and follow His lead in faith.

Prince Devin suited up in shining armor and rode off to his new kingdom, Nashvilot, in the Land of Music. Once he arrived he set out to do the best job he could of running his little area of the kingdom and caring for the wee ones of the kingdom.

Now the fair maiden had lived in Nashvilot for a few years before Prince Devin came to town and she too worked with the wee ones of the kingdom. However, the fair maiden didn’t pay much attention to Prince Devin when he arrived. She had given up on finding her prince by herself and had surrendered completely to the Lord. The fair maiden was content in being a daughter of the Most High King and wasn’t dependent on a prince to make her a princess, she already was one. Don’t get me wrong, the fair maiden had kiss her share of frogs, but had learned the hard way that leaning on her Heavenly Father was far better than kissing frogs!!

One day, on the prince’s birthday, there was a party in the kingdom for all the wee ones. The fair maiden was there to help with the wee ones and for the first time the prince noticed the fair maiden and the fair maiden noticed the prince. The fair maiden prayed that the Lord would guard her heart and the prince prayed that the Lord would guide his heart and actions. This was the beginning of a beautiful courtship that lasted sometime.

After a few months of getting to know one another in the company of others from the kingdom, the prince finally asked the fair maiden to dinner. After the first dinner, he asked her to join him for dinner and such many times. The fair maiden was so excited, her prince had come!! He loved her so much and told her so often. Despite the fair maiden’s imperfections and mistakes, the prices treated like the princess she was and never failed to show his love for her.

Not long after, the prince asked for the fair maiden’s hand and promised to love her forever. She excitedly accepted for she knew that her Heavenly Father had sent this prince from the Land of Corn to Nashvilot to sweep her off her feet. Prince Devin and his fair maiden were soon married and the prince vowed to do everything he can to remind the fair maiden that she is a princess every day. Prince Devin has always kept this vow and they live happily ever after, even while the princess is now far away in the Land of Curry!

The End
Countdown to Mumbai: 50 days…
PS At least my blog isn’t about what I ate today! ;-)

Day 73: The Start of Week Three

Monday, November 16

Back to the grindstone, if you will, with another work day. I think I might have slept too much last night in an attempt to “make up” for the sleep I missed last night. Unfortunately, what they say about not being able to do this is true. I just felt groggy all day.

I did, however, manage to wake up in time for lunch at the buffet down stairs at the hotel for the first time. It was a decent selection of all kinds of international foods including Japanese, Thai, Chinese, “Western,” and of course, Indian. I had pizza, chicken curry, salad, stir fried veggies, and rice. While the access to veggies was wonderful, the true reason the others took me to the buffet was to show me the desserts! Amazing!!

It’s awesome because all the desserts are in petite form so even if you have five different ones that is only ten bites max. I had a chocolate cream puff, cheesecake, and a scoop of homemade ice cream. Have I mention how amazing the ice cream is here?? ;-) Luckily, the buffet cost about as much as we are allotted for one day, so it’s only an occasional treat, not an everyday kind of thing. Otherwise, I might have to buy a whole new wardrobe to accommodate the dessert butt I would be sure to end up with!

Work was work. We had something other than McDonald’s for dinner which was nice. And my team is getting the hang of it and doing well. I spent most of my time walking around verifying that what they were doing was correct and helping with their confidence.

Well, I suppose that about wraps up this blog. I’m about halfway finished with my book so another review will be in the works probably by next week. Hopefully you all are not too bored reading about my somewhat boring days!
Hoping for an exciting tomorrow…

Countdown to Mumbai: 51 days…

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 72: The Amazing Art of Bargaining

Sunday, November 15

After a mere hour and half of sleep last night it was up for a trip to the breakfast buffet with the other ladies. Why so little sleep... for whatever reason I couldn’t get to sleep last night. After lying in bed with my eyes closed but my mind wide awake for about 45 minutes, I gave up and decided to do a little reading, thinking this would help me get to sleep. I got totally sucked into my book and accomplished the exact opposite! I ended up reading till it was late enough to call Devin after his first shift at Family Christian, his new second job to help pass the time while I’m away.

After finding out that he had a good time and saying goodnight, I turned out the lights and got comfy. Eventually, I feel asleep sometime between 6:30 and 7:00 am. But with my wakeup call coming around 9 am, I was a little on the sleepy side! But the pancakes and sunshine were well worth the lack of sleep!

After breakfast, and a little more reading, it was off to Delhi Hart, an outdoor craft fair type market. The week’s theme, “Jaut is Haute.” There were all kinds of fabrics, wraps, and other woven goods, everything from baskets to wall hanging, bags and furniture. While I didn’t purchase a thing, Monica showed me the true art of bargaining.

It was amazing! It didn’t matter how much she wanted the item in question, or how good the original price might seem, she would ask the price, say “too much” and walk away. Every, and I do me every, time the merchant would chase her down and ask her what she would pay. Here is where the art gets tricky. You have to give them a low ball price, but not so low that they think you are trying to rip them off. They counter offer and this continues until a price is agreed upon. You can get them even lower if you are buying several pieces from the same stall. Monica is quite good at this! And we were going to take a Native with us, but why when we have Monica!! ;-)

After our shopping experience it was off to TGIFriday’s for dinner. I had the same thing I would get at home, nachos, but they were completely different! Haha! They were really tasty, just tasted more curry spice then Mexican spice. Oh and of course, chicken, not beef! Honestly, I would have been happy with almost anything, as long as it’s not McDonald’s!

Now I’m trying to stay awake long enough to not totally screw up my sleep schedule which is proving much harder than preferable, but I will survive. I just got a call from Devin and it sounds like the condo is going to be rented by the end of this week. HUGE BLESSING!! Thank you for all the prayers! Ok well I think I’ll do a little TV watching and some more reading! Until tomorrow…

Countdown to Mumbai: 52 days…

PS from Devin- Indeed the condo appears to finally be rented. We don't have a lease signed yet, but it should be done soon. And it's funny that I call my wife and she's soooo cheap (;-) that she won't answer, then calls me back on the same phone, just so we don't have to pay for it!