Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 78: Friends Are Friends Forever!

Saturday, November 21

So today was spent with my new friend Monica before she left to go home. Monica is one of the sweetest people I have met in a long time. She reminds me so much of Amy, it really has made this experience easier to adjust to. Don’t get me wrong, Amy is a one and only, but Monica has the same sweet caring personality and is tall and blonde to boot! ;-)

Today we slept in till late afternoon. No sneering, remember, we don’t get home from work till around 4:30 am and it was well after 7 am before either of us got to sleep. We stayed up chatting and hanging out and then Monica had a little packing still to do.

After finally dragging our tails out of bed, it was off to the mall. We had a cup of coffee and I had a blueberry muffin. Ok so by blueberry muffin, I mean blueberry, not to be confused with blueberries. Tis true, there was one blueberry in my muffin. But it was still really good so no complaints.

Next it was to the Indian version of Sears meets Target with a touch of Barnes and Noble, a store called Reliance. They have a little of everything from books and ties to dresses and maps. Monica and I had fun finding a few more things for her to take home to hear family.
Once all the new items were stored away in Monica’s room, it was upstairs to the Italian restaurant for one more round of Pumpkin Ravioli. Yum! We decided to split an apple pie dessert. While quite tasty, it was not like any pie I’ve ever had. It was like a pancake with caramel sauce and very thinly sliced apples.

Once dinner was over, it was time for Monica to catch her ride to the airport. After a few tears and big hugs, she rode away to the catch a plane back to the States. I’m sad to have her go, but I’m excited for her to be back with her boys and to get to spend the holidays with her family.
Now, I’m up in my room getting ready to go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be sightseeing with Joy!

Until then…
Countdown to Mumbai: 46 days…

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