Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 102: The Curious Case of Elizabeth’s Sleep

Tuesday, December 15

So since my temporary move to India, I seem to have messed my sleeping schedule up so bad that it is beyond repair. Back in the States, even on the weekends, I usually only sleep 6-8 hours. A night that I get eight hours is really considered “sleeping in” for me usually. So how is it that in India, 6-8 just seems to be impossible?

I have been trying for WEEKS, literally, to get up in time to go to the gym before getting ready for work. This really shouldn’t be a problem. Just like at home, there are 24 hours in a day, approximately 12 of which are used for work related items, including preparation time, transportation, actual work, and lunch. My body should not require the remaining 12 for sleeping! But for some reason, India has brought out the Queen of Sleep in me!

And who knew that too much sleep will give you bags under your eyes!! I have NEVER in my life had dark circles around my eyes, even when I’ve not had enough sleep. Why are they ever so apparent when I am sleeping like an infant??

I have set alarms to no avail. I manage to turn them off without even waking up. I have even put the alarm on the other side of the room so that I have to actually get out of bed to turn it off! Haha! I get up, turn it off, and crawl right back into bed. So I have a new game plan, wakeup call! Let’s see if having someone with a sweet Indian accent telling me to get my butt out of bed will motivate me to get up on time!

Knowing that I wouldn’t have all the responsibilities of home life, I had all the plans for what I was going to do with all the “free time” I am having in India. While I have read several books, I have yet to some much as open my GRE study guide nor grace the doorway of a gym. I am getting some exercise due to all the walking work and weekends includes, but come on, I was suppose to come home with a Julia Roberts body! ;-)

So the wakeup call is set and the personal trainer at the gym is just waiting for me to give him something to do, so hopefully, tomorrow I will actually make it up after eight hours of sleep instead of 12! And maybe the eye bags will disappear along with a few pounds!
Until tomorrow’s report…

With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 15 days…


  1. Try Melatonin, the people I worked with in International R&D used it and said it worked quite well to regulate sleep for them. Don't be too hard on yourself. I think you are doing well. Lots of people would be complaining and begging to come home no matter the consequences. Love you, Aunt Jane

  2. Your body is also adjusting to the time change, and from what I can tell from your posts, it looks like it can't fully adjust, because you have to jump back and forth from weekends to work days.

    Sleeping is also a way of coping. Maybe it will get easier once you can see Devin again! It won't be long now.
