Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 72: The Amazing Art of Bargaining

Sunday, November 15

After a mere hour and half of sleep last night it was up for a trip to the breakfast buffet with the other ladies. Why so little sleep... for whatever reason I couldn’t get to sleep last night. After lying in bed with my eyes closed but my mind wide awake for about 45 minutes, I gave up and decided to do a little reading, thinking this would help me get to sleep. I got totally sucked into my book and accomplished the exact opposite! I ended up reading till it was late enough to call Devin after his first shift at Family Christian, his new second job to help pass the time while I’m away.

After finding out that he had a good time and saying goodnight, I turned out the lights and got comfy. Eventually, I feel asleep sometime between 6:30 and 7:00 am. But with my wakeup call coming around 9 am, I was a little on the sleepy side! But the pancakes and sunshine were well worth the lack of sleep!

After breakfast, and a little more reading, it was off to Delhi Hart, an outdoor craft fair type market. The week’s theme, “Jaut is Haute.” There were all kinds of fabrics, wraps, and other woven goods, everything from baskets to wall hanging, bags and furniture. While I didn’t purchase a thing, Monica showed me the true art of bargaining.

It was amazing! It didn’t matter how much she wanted the item in question, or how good the original price might seem, she would ask the price, say “too much” and walk away. Every, and I do me every, time the merchant would chase her down and ask her what she would pay. Here is where the art gets tricky. You have to give them a low ball price, but not so low that they think you are trying to rip them off. They counter offer and this continues until a price is agreed upon. You can get them even lower if you are buying several pieces from the same stall. Monica is quite good at this! And we were going to take a Native with us, but why when we have Monica!! ;-)

After our shopping experience it was off to TGIFriday’s for dinner. I had the same thing I would get at home, nachos, but they were completely different! Haha! They were really tasty, just tasted more curry spice then Mexican spice. Oh and of course, chicken, not beef! Honestly, I would have been happy with almost anything, as long as it’s not McDonald’s!

Now I’m trying to stay awake long enough to not totally screw up my sleep schedule which is proving much harder than preferable, but I will survive. I just got a call from Devin and it sounds like the condo is going to be rented by the end of this week. HUGE BLESSING!! Thank you for all the prayers! Ok well I think I’ll do a little TV watching and some more reading! Until tomorrow…

Countdown to Mumbai: 52 days…

PS from Devin- Indeed the condo appears to finally be rented. We don't have a lease signed yet, but it should be done soon. And it's funny that I call my wife and she's soooo cheap (;-) that she won't answer, then calls me back on the same phone, just so we don't have to pay for it!


  1. Devin, your wife is not cheap! She's frugal, and you know you love her for it! :D So I want to hear more about this second job of yours...

  2. im loving reading your posts! my little fiber lovin heart would love to see all the beautiful indian fabrics your seeing!
