Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 77: Casual Friday

Friday, November 20

There are few things in this world that make work as exciting as casual Fridays. I’m not sure what it is about not having to dress up and being able to wear tennis shoes to work that make me giddy inside, like a college girl. After dressing up all week, it’s just a day everyone “lets their hair down.”

Tonight was made even better by all the festive activities. First, tonight was my dear Monica’s last night here in India. Her team threw her a little going away party including a chocolate cake and tons of pictures. She also received several nice gifts from different people, including a beautiful necklace and a tea.

Next, George, one of the other floor supports, had promised some of his guys that he would grow out his beard and try on a turban. Tonight was the night. After a couple weeks of not shaving his face, he looked almost convincing as a native. Ok not really, but it was absolutely hysterical! I Literally, I was doubled over laughing till my sides hurt!

Lastly, they have started an incentive program at the office here. In an effort to jump start the program, they handed out gifts to the top producers on each team. It was really cool to see how excited the teams got for their winner. No jealousy, no animosity, just genuine pride in each other’s hard work! It was a refreshing take on the work world. I will say I’m sure it helps that the average age of the advisors is probably 22. Maybe they just haven’t been in the work force long enough to learn the cruelty of jealous coworkers. Or maybe that is just an American thing… Hmmm, something to think about!

I’ll think about it tomorrow, I’m going to bed for now! ;-)

With Love,
Countdown to Mumbai: 47 days…

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