Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 110: One More Week!!

Wednesday, December 23

Warning: This blog maybe viewed as extremely mushy and may cause extreme romantic thoughts!

So my hubster will be here in one more week. By the time he gets here, it will have been two month since we have seen each other. On the way to work this evening, I was sitting in the car with my coworkers, talking about all the reasons I’m excited to see my husband. I decided that I would dedicate tonight’s blog to the top 10 reasons I’m excited that my HWDB will be here!!

10) Hot Tamales and Tuna fish! Ok so I realize this might seem odd, but Hot Tamales are my favorite candy and do not exist in India. And tuna fish is kind of a staple food that is needed to survive a foreign country, and I’m out of the original that I brought.

9) Changing up my clothes! I am so sick of wearing the same fifteen shirts over and over again. Devin is bringing me some clothes from home to exchange out with the ones I’m so sick of wearing.

8) I get to talk to his face instead of a small electronic device. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very thankful that I’m able to take to Devin every day, but to talk to his sweet face instead of through my blackberry, priceless!

7) I can introduce Devin to all my new friends. I have met so many amazing people here and I look forward to having Devin here to meet them too!

6) Someone to share my meals with. I have the occasionally meal with the other folks from work, but I miss sitting over a wonderful meal with my wonderful hubby and sharing wonderful conversation! The romance of staring into each other’s eyes as we share a rich risotto or creamy cheesecake makes my heart melt! What can I say, the way to a Lusk heart is almost always through their stomach! ;-)

5) I get to show him India and not just with pictures. There are so many amazing and or crazy things I have seen here. Pictures don’t show the traffic and the view from Amber Fort just can’t be captured with a simple click of the Cannon. I look forward to having this experience together! It will truly be something we will remember forever!

4) Snuggled conversations! One of my favorite times of the day at home is when we crawl into bed and lay all snuggled together and tell each other all about our day. Back to the lack of face to face conversation, I look forward being snuggled up and telling each other everything on or minds!

3) Kisses…. Haven’t had any in two months! I’m very, very much over due. And Devin is a great kisser! :-D

2) Hugs! I’m very fortunate in that I have had a hug everyday from one of my friends from work. But a Devin hug is the best out there. Bhavisha gives great friend hugs, but her hugs don’t make you feel safe and secure. When Devin gives me a hug, it’s like nothing in the world could get to me! His hugs make me feel like a protected and cherished princess, not to mention warm and fuzzy all over! And the number one reason I look forward to my hubby being in India…

1) Seven days of quality time with the most amazing man I’ve ever known!!!

Thanks for putting up with the mushy stuff!! ;-)
With Love,
Countdown to Devin: 7 days…

PS from Devin-

What am I looking forward to? NO SNOW!!! HAHAHA

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