Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 26: Tax Day is a Holiday, Right?

Well today was the glorious quarter end, month end at work. Its kind of a holiday around my workplace, like tax day. While some people dread this crazy time of frantic working, I find it exhilarating! Working diligently to clear as much money as possible. Finding things that others have missed. Sweet talking doctors to send you what you need. Hitting F10 and watching the money come off! All of it is GREAT! Some would call me insane, I know. But what can I say, its the way God made me!

In addition, to the festivities of month end, all of the big bosses from around the country congregated at my billing center today, including my old billing center manager from Jackson. She has a very distinct laugh and when I heard it, I stood up, popping my head over the cubicle wall. When she saw me, she came running at me like a sorority sister I haven't seen in years and gave me a great big hug! It really made my day, she was genuinely glad to see me! Man I miss her!!

After work it was a race to church. Again the Wednesday kids seem to have a good time learning about Moses and the great Exodus from Egypt. Tonight's lesson was on looking to God instead of looking at the problem. Just like Moses looked to God when the Red Sea was in front of him and the angry Egyptian army behind him. When Moses focused on God instead of the problem, God provided a way out for the Israelites. I'm realizing that as I get older sometimes I need to be reminded of these simple bible stories that I've heard my whole life. Like in this case, quit focusing on the daily problems, focus on the Lord and His provision.

Ok well its past this ole gals bedtime!

Night night,


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 25: Its a Great Day to Be Alive....

I know the sun's still shining when I close my eyes....

Ah, I love that song! My title today doesn't have that much to do with my blog, although today was a good day, but was more just the song that's been in my head for several days now, thus becoming the title for today.

Found out today that the corporate VP that will be making the decision about the promotion I applied for will be at my billing center tomorrow. Not coming to see me, but still a great opportunity to make a good impression, assuming I can manage to not wear my crocs to work! LOL! I still haven't decided what I'm wearing tomorrow, but I'm taking my shower tonight to give me a little extra time in the morning to decide.

Also, today I scheduled my first appointment for shots to travel to India. I go Friday afternoon, right after work. I think I'm going to get Devin to bribe me like Daddy had to do when I had to get my MMR booster for my senior year of high school, if I let them give me the shot, then I get to go get ice cream! Now, lets just hope Devin doesn't have to bear hug me and hold me down like Daddy had to! Oh man I hate shots....

For dinner tonight, we had a pastor and family potluck. We had lasagna, salad, bread, and brownie sundaes for dessert. It was such a great time to just fellowship with the other pastor families and share a meal. Being the huge family girl that I am, if I can't have a meal with my wonderful family, it really is nice to be able to get together with some of my church family. We told stories and laughed and had an amazing time! Thank you Lord for giving us such a great new church family!

Well tomorrow is month end/quarter end so I better go get a good nights rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day at work! Plus, bags under eyes make almost as good of an impression as bright red plastic flip flops!

With Love!

PS Count down to India ~30 days.....

Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 24: Monday! Monday!

I can't say that today was a terribly wonderful day, nor was it not a good day. It was one of those days that is just that, a day. At work, the end of the month is always a big deal and when end of month is also end of quarter, its a huge thing. So its nose to the grind stone, go, go, go! But I'm one of those sick people that actually enjoys this kind of thing. I work best under pressure, its why I'll be a good doctor one day! LOL!

I spent most of the day on the phone begging doctors to fax me back paperwork that I needed. I did have a teleconference to go over new government compliance issues and talk about the changes in health care reform. Again, I'm the dork that actually likes this stuff, but then again I did apply for a promotion in this area!

I also got the call today from the Visa people! They received my application, but today and Friday are India Holidays so the India Consulate is closed both days. The Visa people said that I should have my passport back with my India Visa by next Monday so we should be good to go! I can't believe that a month from tomorrow I will be on my way to a foreign country for at least a month!

After work I came home and fixed tacos for dinner. What can I say, its quick, easy, and we had all the stuff. Tomorrow should be another busy day at work and then we have a pastor's family potluck for dinner. I'm excited!

Off to watch some Dancing with the Stars and Castle if we can get the antenna to work! ;-)


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 23: Fleas!! They Are Worse Than Gnats!!

This morning's service had the potential to be amazing. The kids did fantastic with worship and really seemed to understand reverence. Then we got to the message....

Devin's message was about how we are wonderfully created by God in His image. He used a mirror as a illustration. The point being that when God created man, it was in His perfect image (show mirror to the crowd) but that sin came into this world (hit mirror with sledge hammer) and destroyed that perfect image. But Jesus came and picked up the pieces (pick up the broken mirror pieces and place behind stage door) and gave us the ability to be live in His imagine (bring whole mirror out of behind stage door). Now, I was behind the stage, so I'm not exactly sure how this next part happened. But the next thing I know, the entire crowd is chanting "break it, break it, break it" at the top of their lungs. They totally missed the somber moment of Devin's great message and more importantly the truth that we are made whole through Jesus's sacrifice!

Pray for our new kids. They really are great kids. They just need to get use to us and get use to having more of a structured service!

After church, Devin laid down to take a nap, neither of us had a very good nights sleep last night, and I opted to play on the computer. Devin and I have been meaning to give Brooks and Addy a bath for weeks and just hadn't gotten around too it. So this afternoon I decided that the time had come. I thought about waking Devin up to help, but decided I would be the sweet little wife and let him nap. So off I go, just me, two dogs, and a whole lot of water!! I'm not sure who ended up with more soap and water on them, me or the pups! I scrubbed them down though and manager to kill all kinds of fleas that I didn't even know were there!

They were getting a bath because of they stunk, not because we thought they had fleas!! They have itched some, but nothing like when they were babies and had fleas. But I kid you not, their were tons of tiny little flea carcases that had to be cleaned out of the bottom of the bath tub. Also, since my babies are now clean and coated with anti-flea stuff, the fleas that survived the scrubbing are now attempting to live on me! So far I've pulled two off of me and one off Addy around her eyes. I haven't seen any more since I started my blog so maybe they are all gone. I'm going to take a shower myself though. I feel like they are jumping all over me!!

Ok off to the shower!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 22: Great Is Thy Faithfulness!!

Today I had the honor of attending a funeral of a lady I never had the opportunity to meet. After listening to her family and friends talk about Ms. Shirley, I know that was truly a loss on my part. In what her family stated, she sounds like someone that was a joy to be around. Someone that could be looked up to. Someone that you could go to for advice. Honestly, her funeral remind me much of mom's. From what was shared today, her life reminds me much of mom's. Even though I never had the privileged of getting to know Ms. Shirley, I mourned along with the family. I know their lost.

Part of the service, was a time of worship. Ms. Shirley was an enthusiastic alto that loved to use her God given talent to glorify her Heavenly Father. One of the songs that we sang was the old hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and it really got me thinking about how faithful God has been to me. I know my blog is usually on the humorous side, or at least that is my attempt, but in memory of two amazing women that are walking on streets of gold, probably becoming the best of friends seeing as they have so much in common, I wanted to take a minute and thank the Lord for His amazing faithfulness.

Thank Him for saving when I needed Him the most. Thank Him for this plan and purpose in my life and His guidance for me to not stray too far from the plan. Thank Him for a desire to see His plan in my life. Thank Him for an amazing husband who loves me and cares for me and a family that I am so close with. Thank Him for the many friends I have made along my life's journey, many of which are still near and dear to my heart. Thank Him for an education that took multiple financial miracle to complete and a job I love. Thank Him for His faithfulness through all this things and so, so, so many more.

Funerals are never fun events, but I can't help but call the ones of saints a blessing. I love the sweet moment of knowing that heaven is one more voice strong. That the streets of gold are walked by one more set of feet. That Jesus Christ has one more that makes His death on the cross worth it all.

If you are reading this and you don't have a personal relationship with Christ, I pray that you find someone that can show you why its so important. I don't know about you, but I want them to sing Great is Thy Faithfulness at my funeral, and know that I have lived out God's faithfulness in every aspect of my life.

With Love,

PS I think my mom just might have made a new friend in Heaven, Ms. Shirley!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Day 21: The Social Butterfly

First let me state that I was not, am not, will not be giving up on my blogging commitment. I just thought it might be neat for Devin to share his perspective for a change. Second, don't fell sorry for him, I do help with the babies and many times when he is taking them out, I'm at work, making dinner, running errands, or something along those lines. Don't be fooled!! ;-) No really, he has been fantastic with them and he knows how much I appreciate it!!

I'll have to play catch up from yesterday since I relinquished my blog for the evening into the hands of another. I took yesterday afternoon off to finish getting everything ready for my visa application. I went to get my Kansas drivers license assuming that I would leave with my new license in hand. This is not the case in Kansas! You get a temporary drivers license that looks much more like a receipt and told that your real license will arrive in 15-45 business days! Who has ever heard of such nonsense!!

Anyway, I was very panicked about this since I am suppose to be sending my visa application off asap and I have to include a copy of my drivers license with me current address. Luckily, I called the visa application processing place today and was told that the extra temporary license that license place gave me when I began to panic, would be fine. Huge sigh of relief! After all, I'm suppose to be in India in 45 days!!

As for the social scene, last night I attended another Eau (the young women's group at church) event. We split up into three teams and drove all over the area for a scavenger hunt. I'm sad to say me team came in second by seconds!! But we had a blast! I got to meet some wonderful ladies and spend sometime with some other ladies that I'd already met.

Tonight, Devin and I went to the home group we are going to be a part of. It was great to get to attend something fun together and we really had a wonderful time. We have a lot in common with the other couples in our group and I look forward to getting to know them better. I will say that it did make me miss Mel and RR though!! I kept wanting to turn and tell Mel something or waiting for RR to jump into the discussion. Somethings just can't be replaced! ;-)

Tomorrow we are going to try and take the pups to the dog park, we haven't been since the first time. Devin and I both would like to sleep in at least a little after a week worth of getting up extra early. And we have be at the church by 11:45, so going late in the morning isn't going to cut it. Looks like we will be playing tomorrow by ear!

Well, I guess that pretty much wraps it up for now!
With Love,

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 20: A Different View

So today's blog is actually coming to you from a little different angle. Instead of the normal update about the days happenings, Devin is going to take a moment to give you some of his views and comments. Take it away, DK...

Well, it's been just over a month since the whirlwind started in Jackson. One day, I will take the time to explain exactly what happened to cause the change from TN to KS to be such a quick one, but for now lets just say the dust is settling.

Things are going well here in the great city of Kansas (ha). We're off and running planning our fall festival at church, looking into a computer check in system for the children's ministry, expanding our Sunday program to include a pre school ministry, and looking ahead to next year. I've spent some time getting to know some of the staff, and this is a really different dynamic than what I'm used to. I've been in places where people told me what to do, and places where people didn't pay attention to what I did, but as far as a paid position (Roberts, IL doesn't count cause I was a volunteer) I've never really had a whole lot of interest in what I wanted to do, and why I wanted to do it. The change is very refreshing.

Our Sr. Pastor, Don Lewis, is a great man. If I could use the word guru, I might. He's been there, done that, and is soft spoken but commands attention when he does speak. He reminds me in many ways of Pastor Maury Davis from Nashvhille in his intelligence and character, just without the broken finger and criminal background! Seriously, Pastor Don is great. I enjoy just getting to listen to him share his thoughts on a variety of subjects and topics.

Outside of church, we've been going banana's splitting time between church events and social activities, getting the place unpacked, and getting Elizabeth ready to go to India. She's only slightly excited (said with sarcasm). Actually, there are moments I wonder if she doesn't intend to defect to the country and leave me here! Thankfully, I have the puppies as insurance that she has to come back. She and I have been trying to figure out a successful schedule for taking care of the puppies, and so far the way its working out is like this:
Morning walk: Devin
After Breakfast Walk: Devin
After work Walk: Devin
After Dark Walk: Devin (she doesn't like the dark parking lot outside our front door)
Before Bed Walk: (Devin)

Now, I wasn't a straight A student in school, but something tells me I'm getting the short end of the stick here... Not that she doesn't ever take the dogs out, I'd be dishonest in saying that. But I'm getting a little more practice for the month she'll be gone and I'll be doing it all than I intended to get at this point.
Part of the reason is that I don't have to be at work until 9am, and she has to be at work by 7. Since I am a light sleeper, it really doesn't matter if she gets up early to take care of the dogs or waits, because I'll wake up either time. So its actually better just waiting until 6 (or some days we fight the snooze and is like 6:30, and Elizabeth thanks God she took her shower the night before!).
Sadly, I am not a morning person and coffee does no more for me than whiskey. (that means I don't drink it, so don't read any hidden meanings into that!). So, I have been dutifully getting up before the sun, then spending a few quality hours doing nothing trying to wake up enough to go to the office.
I know, life is rough, isn't it?

Well, I've updated you on the goings on, shared my suffering (you don't feel sorry for me at all, do you?) in having to get up early... and now its late and I must go to bed. Otherwise I'll hide the phone with the alarm on it and sleep until 7!

Until the next time My wife doesn't want to keep her year long blogging commitment...


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 19: Visa My Visa

I love Wednesdays! Even though they end up being late nights and long days. At work, you are past the Monday panics and not to the Friday slow down. Then there is church! I love the relationships I'm building with the kids on Wednesday nights. Its a much smaller group that on Sunday morning and a lot more interaction. Its amazing how quickly they have warmed up to Devin and I. We had one mom tell us tonight that we must be doing something right. Usually her kid begs to stay at home, but since his first Wednesday night with us, he begs her to bring him back. God is blessing us here and truly using us to minister to these kids and their families! God is so amazing!!

Today was fairly productive day. I received my sponsor letters in the mail for my trip to India. I also completed all the paperwork aspect of applying for my visa. I had NO IDEA how expensive that thing was going to be. Just for the stamp to put in my passport so they let me enter the country, almost $300 bucks! I couldn't believe it! Of course the company will reimburse me, but that was a lot to put on my Visa for visa!

I also found out that I have to go get my new drivers license before I can mail off for my Visa. My address on my visa application has to match the address on my driver license. I also have to send two passport photos with my application. So tomorrow, I'm leaving work at 2:3o to go get all this taken care of so I can mail off my packet by Friday, maybe even tomorrow afternoon. Pray I don't have any hang ups!! I need everything to go like clock work for me to be able to keep my tentative leave date of 10/29.

After work, I ran home, changed clothes, and ran back out with Devin to grab a bite of dinner and then off to church. Tonight went so well! I'm really liking it here!

Ok well I'm about to head home, Devin is out of his meeting! Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 18: SWAT WHAT!!??!!

What a crazy day! It started fairly normal at work, but didn't take long to change. One of the only down sides of my fabulous new office is the filing cabinets are on the other side of my cubicle from my computer, so I spend a portion of my day rolling back and forth between the two. Well, in my daily hustle this morning, I managed to ram my foot into the underside of my filing cabinet. OUCH!! It hurts to walk and the top of my foot is kind of swollen!

The rest of the day at work was fairly uneventful. I still don't have email back and my computer won't let me log in. Other than that, I'm moving quickly through the the learning curve.

After work, I headed to Micheal's to FINALLY get the artwork we bought on our honeymoon framed. (Yes, we have been married for over a year!) While on our cruise, we spent a small fortune on some really nice art at the art auction on the ship, but haven't been able to afford to get it framed. Micheal's had a special this week, all custom framing for 60% off! While the total cost was not cheap, it was considerable cheaper than other options I have looked at. We should have beautiful "grown up" art hanging in our living room within a couple of weeks!

Once I arrived home, my day became even more eventful. Devin had a meeting at the church and a new friend was coming over to see our new furniture and hang out with me for a bit. After eating a quick dinner, Devin went to leave, but was immediately ordered back into our apartment by a member of the SWAT team!! No lies!! You know the mean dressed in black with helmets, shields, and big guns that come to get the folks they think are going to run!! Devin said they were heading into the other end of OUR Building! Once Devin came back and told me what was going on, I called my friend and let her know that tonight might not be the safest night for us to hang out! Not really knowing what else to do, Devin and I just sat in the living room for a few minutes. We could hear them busting down a door or something! It was a little unnerving, but we just couldn't beleive something this crazy was happening to us so we had to laugh a little!

We still don't know what happened, but we never heard gun shots or anything. We live in a fairly nice apartment complex, so I'm not really sure what to think. Although, there are some drug dealers out there that live in some nice digs!

So that was my eventful crazy day! I think I'm going to go take a shower and head to bed a little early tonight! Sweet dreams to all!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 17: Gotta Love Some Dancin'

Today was a rather frustrating day at work. When I transferred, since it was employee elected, I had to quit and be rehired by the new billing center. It's kind of silly, but it worked out in my favor, so no biggie. Until Friday when my email stopped working and then today when my computer locked me out claiming my account has been disabled. Also today, I called to get my name changed on my corporate credit card for India, and it had been cancelled! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! The good news is that all of the above are either corrected or in the process of being corrected and should be ok by the end of the week. I also found out my tentative leave date for India, October 29th.

I can't believe its a little more than a month until I'll be embarking on one of the most exciting adventures of my life. I really am looking forward to all that this opportunity will offer. I'm not excited about being away from my family and new friends, especially Devin, but I know this is a once in a lifetime chance and the month will be over before I even know it!

After getting home from work, I fixed hamburger steaks and veggies for dinner. Devin ran to Best Buy to pick up a universal remote for the digital converter box. Addy decided it was a great idea to chew up the one that came with the box. When we hooked up the box and did the channel scan, we have SOOO MANY channels, for FREE! We have ABC, CBS, FOX, PBS, and a slew of other channels. I can't wait to watch the news in the morning!!

We also were able to watch the premiere of Dancing with the Stars! I love that show, makes me want to take a ballroom dancing class. I took one in college and it really is a lot of fun! We'll back to the tube! ;-)

Have a great night!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day16: I Hate Gnats! They Drive me Crazy!!

Third Sunday at the new church was wonderful. Due to some paperwork issues, I couldn't be back in kid's church with Devin, so I got to go to "big" church. Pastor's sermon was great. He talked about the power of one's words and how we should be slow to speak, quick to listen, and always honor our commitments. I've never been very good with the slow to speak part, so that is my goal this week. I want to do a better job understanding others instead of pushing to be understood.

After church, Pastor and his wife had a lunch at their house to give Devin and I the opportunity to meet and greet with those that work in Children's ministry. The smoked chicken legs and wings were fantastic! But even better than the food, we had the opportunity to meet so many great people. I had lots of conversations with many new friends and came away from the afternoon with a smile on my face.

We then came home with the intention of relaxing and preparing for the upcoming week. Instead, I discovered a kitchen full of gnats! You know those nasty little bugs that fly around and poop on stuff. Devin calls them fruit flies, I call them GROSS!! Anyway, we had left the dishes in the sink from earlier this weekend and evidently, they decided to nest or something! I flipped out! It was like everything I have ever taught in a food safety class or been taught as a Food Inspector came running through my mind and I though I was going to be sick. Needless to say, I began cleaning the kitchen with more vigor that I knew one could have on a lazy Sunday night! Lesson learned though, we MUST do all the dishes immediately, even if in a hurry!

Well, now that my kitchen is spot less and several more boxes unpacked, its off to bed! Tomorrow's another Monday morning and I need some sleep!

With Love,

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 15: I'm Certified!!

First, Aunt Fay and Jason, don't laugh too hard at the title of today's blog! It was intentional though so laugh a little! ;-)

This morning, Devin and I took a CPR certification class thaught by a nurse in the church. It was a great class and Ms. Nancy was quite the comedian and keep all of us laughing. We learned all about two breaths and 30 compressions, yes CPR has changed yet again. Devin and I both realized how old we are getting having to get up and down off the floor to practice. It sounded like a movie theater with all that popping! We got to practice the Heimlich on each other, can we say bear hugs!! At the end of it all, we both learned a lot of life saving skills and are both proud card carrying CPR certified folks.

After the CPR class, Devin and I decided to try a Japanese place across the street. Devin loves Hibachi and I love sushi. The restaurant was nice enough and the food was pretty good, but the bill was OUTRAGEOUS!! I'm sorry but a plate of chicken and vegetables and two sushi rolls, should not cost 40 bucks!! Devin and I were rather disappointed when we realized our entire weeks worth of fun money got spent on one meal!! And it wasn't even anything incredible....

I'm ashamed to report that Devin and I spent the majority of the rest of the day enjoying our new couches! The puppies are thrilled to have laps back and Devin and I are loving the ability to put our feet up, not to mention loving cushions instead of canvas on our backsides! It amazes me how much I have missed sitting on actual furniture. It really goes to show that sometimes you don't know how much you miss something till its gone...

Tomorrow is my third Sunday. I'm going to service this week and then afterwards, the senior pastor and his wife and having a cook out at their house to give Devin and I an opportunity to meet and get to know more of the children ministry workers. I'm excited! I love meeting new people!

Well I guess that's about it for tonight, until tomorrow...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 14: Two Weeks Forms a Habit!

WOW! I can't believe I've actually been keeping up with this blog thing for two weeks! I realize in the grand scheme of the year I have committed to that two weeks is nothing compared to the fifty weeks I still have left. However, the proverbial "they" say that it takes two weeks to form a habit, so I believe this to be a benchmark post... Enjoy! Know that the only reason I've been able to keep this up is because of those that I know are reading! So huge thanks to each of you!

Today was a VERY good day. One of those days in life when at the end you look back and think, "I am insanely blessed!" Friday's are dress down days so my poor blistered and bruised feet were housed in tennis shoes. My phone interview for the promotion I applied for went great and ended with the gentleman stating how impressed he was with me, always a GREAT was to end an interview. Other than my email quite working this morning, I had a productive day at work!

After work, I came home to what looks like a home! We now have living room furniture that is plush, comfy, and reclines! One doesn't realize how much they miss simple things in life, like a couch, until they go a month sitting in camping chairs! Don't get me wrong camping chairs a wonderful... around a camp fire!! The washer and dryer were also delivered today so no more dirty laundromats!! Never did understand how you were suppose to get anything truly clean at one of those places! And, if I want to wash something in the middle of the week, I can!! Now we just needed to figure out dinner.

When you change your address with the USPS, you get a ValuePak in the mail, which is basically just a bunch of advertisements for local businesses with a few coupons for different things. Since we moved here, Devin and I have looked for a good Mexican restaurant with very little success. There were several coupons for different places and we decided to try one for dinner tonight. FINALLY, we found good Mexican food! The chips were crispy, the salsa fantastic, the cheese dip free (thanks to the coupon), the fajitas huge, and they serve Coke not Pepsi! For 18 bucks we had more than the two of us could eat. I guess this Kansas thing might work out after all! ;-)

After dinner I went to a young women's group for church. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but I had a blast! I meet some wonderful ladies that I look forward to building relationships with as well as got to know some women better that I had already meet. It really reminded me of my sorority days when we had sister bonding nights! Everyone was very welcoming and my me glad I came.

As you can see, I've truly had a wonderful day. So as I sit in my new lounge chair with my sweet Brooks snuggled up next to my leg, I reflect on how amazing God is! How He blesses us in ways we never expect and how is perfect plan is so, well, perfect! Thank you Lord for my Life!!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 13: Watch Out World! Here I come...

Today's post will be on the short side, Devin and I are trying to get things unpacked and situated since the living room furniture and washer and dryer will be here tomorrow! We are both very excited about the lack of camping chairs and laundromats in our near future. There is still lots to be done, but we are almost to the two week mark and I can't break my blogging commitment.

As you all know, my job is sending me/letting me go to India in November. Now, I've had a passport since February 2008, but I got married since then and never got around to getting my name changed until I was asked to go on this work trip, at which point I had to get it changed. I mailed off for it before I left Jackson and if FINALLY came today! I was getting nervous. Tomorrow, I'll start the process for my Visa and with any luck will have the exact date I'm leaving by the end of next week! I'm getting excited!

Ok back to the unpacking and then to bed. Have a great night!!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 12: Coffee Anyone?

I've never been a very good break-taker. I tend to get way too busy, loose track of time, and the next thing I know its almost time for lunch. My wonderful new supervisor has been giving me a hard time about not taking my breaks, so today I decided to go get a latte at the coffee shop on campus. I find out where the coffee shop is and set out. I get a little lost, but am able to get into one of the buildings to ask a security guard where the building I'm trying to find is. After giving me the third degree, he tells me that its just on the other side of this building and he will let me walk through. So I do, but keep in mind this is a locked building that I have just walked through and the visitor entrance is the one I just came through on the other side.

Once I arrive at the coffee shop, I'm ten minutes into my 15 minute break. I get my pumpkin latte (quite tasty, but not as good as Starbucks) and ask for the fastest way back to my building since I know I can't go the way I came and cut through the locked building. The barista hands me my coffee and tells me which way to head. I'm off, walking at a very quick pace, racing the ticking clock.

In my hurried efforts, I managed to take a wrong turn and ended up walking in circles for what seemed like a lifetime. While I saw some pretty parts of the Sprint campus, like the little creek complete with little footpath bridges and the tree canopy walk way, my "15 minute" break was much longer. I finally made it back to my office building with a blister on my toe, bruises on the bottom of my feet, and swollen ankles! Remember, I have to dress up, so this hike was not done in tennis shoes!!

Luckily, that amazing sup that insisted I take breaks thought this was hilarious and wasn't too worried about my lateness this once. Needless to say, any future breaks I take will be downstairs as best!

The rest of my day was fairly productive and busy. Church was great tonight! The kids are learning about Moses and the Great Exodus. Tonight's lesson was about obeying God because we trust Him! I think this is a lesson most of us adults could stand to remember as well! ;-)

Well I'm exhausted so I'm off to bed! Sweet Dreams!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 11: Follow the Red Light...

So I am proud to report I found the light! The red light that is! The one that means great taste and refreshment are just around the corner. Yesterday, I reported that there was only Pepsi products on the Sprint campus. Well today, I was up on the fifth floor and what to my wandering eyes should appear but a glorious red light... A COKE MACHINE! Unfortunately, this coke machine does not house Coke Zero, but a Diet Coke will do in a pinch. I'm just glad to know there is a place to get something other than bottled diesel fuel! Enough about a beverage I only drink occasionally and one to the rest of my day.

Work was quite productive and I got an interview for one of the promotions I put in for, so YAY! Say a little prayer Friday morning! Its a preliminary phone interview, not my favorite, I'd much rather do face to face, but at least its the first step!

After work I came home to a kitchen floor with several piles of wood chip filled puppy puke! Lovely...
Evidently, Brooks and Addy decided it was a good idea to make a snack out of Devin's landscaping on the patio. Thanks to the Swiffer Wet Jet, it wasn't so bad to clean up. However, I'm a little worried about my babies tummies. I'm not sure, but I don't think wood chips are good for puppy bellies. I know they aren't good for their little booties, Brooks had to have the vet pull a large chunk of one out the backside when he was younger!! One would have thought they would have learned their lesson.

Both ate a good dinner and don't seem to be having any trouble going potty. I'm not going to worry too much as long as those two functions continue as normal. Currently, they are both laying next to Mommy's feet waiting for Daddy to come home from his late meeting! They make great foot warmers! ;-)

Wow! Now, you know more about my pets then you ever wanted to, I'm sure!! I guess I'll call it a night! Devin should be home soon!

With Lots of Love,

Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 10: Fourth Floor Please!

So today was the first day at the new office in Overland Park at the Sprint campus. I would like to now give a disclaimer that this posting is NOT bragging. I'm simple telling the truth about the fabulous new building that my group moved into this morning.

So to start off with, when you drive on to campus, that is exactly what it looks like, a college campus. The buildings are all large brick buildings with pretty windows, separated by criss-crossing walking paths and beautiful bright green grass. You pull into a parking spot in the parking garage, and then its about a two football field hike, just like in college, to my office. When you walk in the front door, you are greeted by the very polite smiling security guard. With the swipe of your card, its through the electronic, and therefor arm-less, turn gate and across the marble floors to the elevators.

Up to the fourth floor for me! When you step out of the elevator its on to lush Ritz-Carlton type carpet that makes the Opryland Hotel jealous. Straight ahead you'll find the employee break area complete with coffee maker and ICE MACHINE!! The only problem is that the only "pop" machine (this is my new word for "coke" based on my following statement) is a Pepsi machine. There is NO Coca-Cola to be found on the entire campus. While this is truly not the end of the world, this isn't ideal for me. On the rare occasion that I purchase a "pop," its AWAYS a coke!

After the break area, you hit cubicle land! Cubicles as far as the eye can see. All cubies are fully equipped with six drawers, five shelves, extra chair, and coat closet. Not to mention all of the cubies are as big as most of the offices at my old office.

Outside of the building that my cubie is in, there are several other office buildings, two cafeterias, a gym, and multiple areas to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. By one of the cafeterias, there is even a waterfall terrace where you can eat.

I am so blessed to have such a lovely place to be employed! I know that there are bound to be downsides, but for now, I am truly feeling blessed beyond measure!

Other than the day at the office, my day has been fairly uneventful. Took the puppies for a walk, fixed spaghetti for dinner, and watched some 24 with the Hubster. I guess that's all for now!

With Love,

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 9: Go Cheifs!!

Today was my first Sunday to actually help Devin back in what we call "Superchurch" but is also known as kids church. I learned two valuable lessons. One, dress shoes are not appropriate, no matter how flat. I almost completely wiped out on the tile floors multiple times. And two, one should wear the proper "support" for jumping around on stage in front of people. I could only be slightly enthusiastic without running the risk of serious repercussions! Not to mention gross embarrassment!

All in all, service went well. As with any new environment, there is a learning curve. But the kids are sweet and want to participate. We really need prayers for keeping them focused and for transitions to be smoother! And for me to figure out how to look "churchy" but not have risk wardrobe malfunctions! ;-)

After church, Devin and I went to a place called Jose Peppers for lunch. It was ok, but man I miss Los Portalas! We are still looking for a Mexican place to call our own! While the food was nothing more than average at best, I got to watch my first Chiefs game. Seeing as every school I have attended since 7th grade has been Red, White, and Black, it isn't difficult for me to cheer for Kansas City. Plus, they were playing the Ravens, which I loathe, so they were a shoo-in to be my favorite. Unfortunately, they got a little lazy in the end and lost, but I will say up until the last few minutes it was a good game. I think I am now a Kansas City Chiefs fan! Secondary to my Titans of course!!

After getting home from lunch and taking care of my babies, which side note are doing very well with their new "puppy" gate system, I spent a little over an hour catching up with one of my Jackson friends and playing with Brooks and Addy. Devin is currently attempting to make brownies all by himself, I'm so proud! If the brownies are as good as the batter I just tasted, I'm in for a treat!

Well, I'm out of now!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 8: What a great way to say Welcome!!

First let me start by apologizing for not having a title for yesterday's post. I'm not exactly sure what happened. I know I had one typed, then erased it. Then I must have never typed a new one. Now for today's post...

For the past few years our new church has hosted a bar-b-que cook-off contest through the Kansas City Bar-b-que Society. Its kind of a big deal with lots of teams (34 this year) from all over the place that come to compete for cash prizes. There are certified bar-b-que judges and four categories, chicken, ribs, pork, and brisket. Each year a select few Crosspoint folks get to judge with the professionals, and guess who got to be one of the luck few this year.... ME!!!

When I first met Pastor Doug, the small group pastor, he was telling me about this contest and jokingly I asked what one has to do to become a judge. I do love me some bar-b-que! Well, once we decided to move, he tried to pull some strings but there wasn't any openings. However, more teams signed up and they need a few more judges. Due to some gracious folks at the church I was in! For the past week I've been looking forward to today!

We started with the chicken and out of the six samples, one was great, three were good, and two were trash. I say trash because after you take the bite to judge, and I do mean bite after all you have to eat 24 bites total at least, than whatever is left, you can take home. I will say I much prefer the Manchester way of bar-b-quing chicken. These Midwesterns put the same kind of sauce they put on there pulled pork on their chicken. Don't get me wrong, it was good, just not as good as the ole' Lusk recipe!

Next was the ribs... WOW!! All 6 entries I judged were finger-licking fantastic! They were tender, smoked to perfection, with sauce added at the end! I knew ribs would be my favorite category, but I didn't know it would be so hard to judge. I think all my ribs had high scores!

Next was the pork. It could be pulled, chopped, sliced, or some combination of the three. As someone who literally grew up around this stuff, I knew what perfect pulled pork should taste like. Daddy, you should have competed, you could have taken them all! While none of the pork categories were trash, none of it was worth writing home about either. I also discovered that I'm not huge on sliced, too dry!

Last we had brisket. Not my favorite and defiantly the hardest to judge. I'm not a huge beef eater anyway, so when you don't cook it right and its tough, dry, and over seasoned, well its just not my kind of thing. Devin didn't mind eating the left overs though ;-)

Needless to say I had a salad for dinner after having a weeks worth of meat intake today. I had a blast though and I'm seriously considering taking the classes to be a certified judge and get to do this more than once a year! It really was a great way for our new home to say Welcome!!

Well now that your mouth is watering for some bar-b-que, tomorrow is church so I need to head to bed!

Sweet Dreams!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 7:

So today was not nearly as exciting as the last few, but I did have a few moments of discovery, like finding the nearest Starbucks (YAY that Pumpkin Spice is back)!

I made it to work with the RIGHT pair of shoes this morning so that was a step in the right direction, no pun intended! Hehehe! About 30 minutes after coming it I left with some coworkers to head over to the new building for a tour and phone training. Who knew that telephones could be so complex one needed an hour long training?? I got to meet the big bosses today and had good conversations and hopefully made good first impressions, thanks Mel for the prayers! Maybe this makes up for my shoe fiasco from yesterday!

After getting back from the Sprint campus, I spent the rest of the day on a race with the clock to see how much I could get done before packing up my desk for the movers that were coming at 4. All in all I ended up with a fairly productive day. I'm catching on quick to OK Medicaid and the way things are done here. At least I think I am....

Tomorrow is the bar-b-que contest at church so I think I'm going to call it a night! I get to be a judge tomorrow so I'm sure I'll have lots to share tomorrow! Have a great night and thanks for reading, can you believe its already been a week!!??!!

With love,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 6: Crocs Are Busines Attire, Right?

So today was my first day at the new office. Everything with my transfer seems to be going well, and for the most part, I can do my job without a hitch. My supervisor seems vary nice and my coworkers are quite helpful. I will still be working Medicaid so, I have a good handle on what needs to be done.

The biggest difference is not the actual work, its the attire I'm expected to wear while working. In Jackson, it was VERY casual. I mean jeans everyday and I'm not 100% sure that some people weren't wearing their pj's. Here in Lenexa, its business attire! Luckily, this isn't anything new for me. When I worked in Nashville, it was the same type thing. So this morning I get dressed in one of my favorite outfits, my khaki dress pants, brown dress shirt and super cute, yet not incredible comfortable, brown flats.

I didn't pack my lunch today since until the big move this weekend, I live approximately 5 minutes away. So, when I went on lunch, I came home to grab a bite and take the puppies for a quick walk. Well seeing as my flats are not exactly the best for dog walking, I traded them in for my bright red, NC State, flip-flop Crocs with ever intention of changing back into my dress shoes before heading back to the office. This was a great idea... in theory. However, what happened was more of the kind of thing that makes one think, "Why me, Lord, Why me?"

As it turns out, a 30 minute break really isn't enough time to run home for lunch, even if you only live 5 minutes away, so I was quite rushed, not wanting to be late on my first day. After taking the puppies out and scarfing down a bite of lunch, I raced back out the door to work. As I'm walking to my desk, I realize I NEVER CHANGED BACK INTO MY DRESS SHOES!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I spent the rest of the day trying to hide my feet and my big ole crocs from the view of any one else. Needless to say I'm sure I made a GREAT first impression. Oh well....

All that being said, today was a good day. Everything was rather crazy, and tomorrow isn't looking much better, seeing as the group I am working with is moving to a new building on Monday. I will say its kind of funny to watch as we each try to type, talk on the phone, and pack a box all at the same time. Tomorrow should be yet another adventure, but my end of the day assessment is that I like my new office!

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 5:I Love Grocery Stores

So today was much more productive than yesterday. Even if I didn't get to the majority of the items I set out to do today, I did not spend the majority of the day on one project. That being said, I have no Kansas driver license, no bathroom cabinets, and not much more unpacked than I did yesterday when I went to bed. I did, however, finish unpacking the kitchen, go by my new office, run by the church to work with Devin on Sunday's Superchurch service for the kids, go grocery shopping at three different stores, and fix our first home cooked meal since moving to Kansas.

I had ever intention of getting my new license today until I realized other than my TN license, I have no valid proof of id which is a problem seeing as you have to have at least two. My passport is with the US government getting my name changed for my trip to India (just the last name, not some cool alias). I could use my birth certificate, but than I need my marriage license, which is with my passport seeing as I am getting my married name added to that. In other words, this will have to wait a few more weeks till Uncle Sam mails them both back.

The bathroom cabinets didn't happen simple because after the drama of the kitchen cart yesterday, I needed a day of rest from carpentry. Tomorrow after work is looking promising though.

After lunch, I ran to the new office to find out how tomorrow is going to work. My new manager seems really cool and I think I'm going to enjoy working here at the KS billing center. I miss my friends in Jackson and I have to dress up everyday, but other than that, I seems like it will be a good fit. I'm sure that will be the topic of tomorrow's blog seeing as tomorrow is my first day. We shall see...

Helping Devin with stuff for the kids was fun as always. I will be leading the games and helping with the memory verse. "Behold I am coming quickly." Rev. 22:7 It should be lots of fun! I'm working on a picture-gram to teach the memory verse, but I'm totally up for suggestions for games!

Then, the fun began.... GROCERY SHOPPING!! :-D
There is truly no sarcasm here, I love to go to the grocery store. Thanks to the wonderful other pastor wives, I already had all the essentials and just need the fillers. First I went to Aldi's. For those of you who are not familiar with this great store, they only have one brand of everything so no comparing and choosing amongst whether you want the Jiffy or the Peter Pan, you have to deposit a quarter to get a cart, but you get it back when you return your cart to the front, and you have to bring bags and bag your own groceries. Now these sound like all kind of downs, but here is my perspective, it doesn't take anywhere near as long because there are only one brand of everything. I get a few extra steps, which equals exercise, taking the cart back, and I'm being "green" by using the canvas bags not to mention when its time to bring the groceries in, its actually a lot easier. And the best perk, because of all these cut corners, for the most part, its a lot cheaper than any other grocery store.

I came home and made Devin tacos, one of his favorites, and than it was off to Costco and another grocery experience. Last night at Melanie and Brian's we discovered Costco's roasted chicken, FANTASTIC, so I got one of those for tomorrow night, as well as restocked my freezer with all our favorites. On the way out I experienced the most delightful $1 treat, Churros!! YUM! They are this long stick thing covered in cinnamon sugar. Their taste reminds me of the beignet I had in the French Market my freshman year of college. All I needed was a big cup of coffee and it would have been pure bliss! I just need to make sure that every time I go to Costco's I have a buck so I can get one of these delights!!

The last grocery store of the day was a place called HyVee. Its like a Kroger or probably more like a Publix, but not quite as nice. Devin was with me for both the Costco and HyVee trips so we ended up with more than we actually need, but that's ok. Our pantry is now completely stocked, I got a new mini-cookbook, and I got to look through THREE grocery stores in one day. I think we will call this day.... productive and pleasant! ;-)

Thank you for reading. Sorry tonight's turned out so long, who knew one could write so much about groceries...

For now...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 4: Carpentry 101

So Devin went back to work today, leaving me to lots and lots of unpacking. After spending most of the morning unpacking the kitchen, I hit a road block, no more empty space to unpack boxes too!

Solution: Construct the kitchen cart we bought yesterday.

I started on this "easy assembly" cart around 1 pm. The instructions, which I read multiple times, said that this project takes approximately 50 minutes. Ok maybe 50 minutes in light years!! One of the pieces wasn't cut just right, I've never seen so many parts in my life, and the sucker was HEAVY! I think I spent 50 minutes just putting two sides of the drawer together.

After much effort, lots of pounding, and multiple reattempts, I now have a beautiful kitchen cart finished about 15 minutes ago. Yes, it is 10pm as I'm writing this! You can do the math!!

Now, I will say that Devin and I went to dinner at a couple we meet on Sunday's house for a few hours, at which we had a wonderful time. Side note, Costco has AMAZING roasted chicken. But most of my day was spent dealing with this crazy kitchen cart.

Tomorrow looks like more unpacking, trip to the new job, new driver license, and more carpentry, I have two cabinets for the bathrooms. Wish me luck!

Later taters!

Day 3: The Dog Park

Yeah for Holiday's!! Devin and I had the whole day to spend together and play! I'm ashamed to say, nothing was unpacked at all, but I still have two more days off work to unpack and settle in. So no worries...

Today we took the puppies to Shawnee Mission Park to the off leash area. This is a huge, think acres, area with a walking path down to a lake with a puppy swimming area. Lots of open space and fields to enjoy. While Brooks and Addy were not allowed off their leash, we know their little puppy limits, they had a blast playing with all the other dogs. They crack me up though, when little dogs would come by to say hello, Brooks would roll over on his back like "I surrender." However, when the big dogs came by to play, Brooks wanted to wrestle around like he thought he could take'em. Addy on the other hand is a true snob!! She didn't want anything to do with any of the other dogs. If one of them came up to her, she would try to hop out of the way and give them a "leave me alone" look. She wouldn't even take a drink out of the puppy water fountain they had, even though she was so thirsty she had slobber hanging out of month! Silly dogs...

I foresee this becoming one of our favorite spots though! I hope that as the dogs get more accustomed to going out there, we will be able to take them off their leashes, especially to get to go swimming!!

Devin and I spent the rest of the day looking for a Kitchen Cart and bathroom shelving. We were able to find both and then some. Hopefully I will have this apartment looking like a home instead of a storage unit with in the next 24 hours. Here goes my best effort...

Until we met again...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Day 2: Ruby Red Slippers

What a GREAT first day in Kansas! This morning Devin and I were officially installed as the Children's pastor (and wife) at Crosspoints! The church has truly welcomed us with open arms, with everything from bags of groceries to many, many invites to dinner, to tons of help and offers of more. Devin and I are so blessed to have such an amazing new church home here in Kansas!

After church Devin and I went on a shopping spree to two of the best stores I've ever experienced, and I've done some shopping!! The first was the JCPenny outlet store. We were able to get a new bedspread with shams for our king size bed for $44.39, and the best part, its actually soft and cuddly!! Also, while at this fabulous store, I found RUBY RED SLIPPERS!! Devin and I were strictly shopping for necessities and obviously, seeing as I now live in Kansas, these shoes are just that!

Once we had found all that we "needed" at Penny's, it was off to my new favorite store, Nebraska Furniture Mart...

Five football fields worth of EVERYTHING one could possibly need for your home. Two stores of couches, chairs, tables, appliances, and more. Amazing...

When we left Tennessee we left behind our couch, which had seen far better days, and an apartment furnished with a washer and dryer. In an effort to be "grown-ups" and out of the need/desire for some where to sit other than the floor, not to mention that to do a weeks worth of laundry at the laundry mat here is around $20 bucks, we purchased living room furniture, a washer and dryer, and two bar stools for the breakfast bar in our apartment. The crazy part is we spent almost five hours in this wonderful place and only saw maybe a third. I'm already excited about my next trip, maybe I'll wear my new ruby, red slippers, but it will have to wait at least until I get the boxes unpacked!!

Tomorrow's plan is dog park and family time with Devin, Brooks, and Addy! Can't wait to tell you all about it...

Until then,

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 1: Welcome to the Midwest!!

Ok so I've decided to attempt a blog for one year. Plan is for some kind of post every day, we shall see, but with all the changes and exciting things going on, moving to KS, going to India in November, starting new jobs, etc., it just sounded like a good idea. Yes, I got the idea from Julie & Julia, but what this really is about is me and seeing how I turn out as a Kansasean. Is that a word??

As some one who has been a Tennessean for all 26 years of her life, this is kind of a big deal. I'm no longer a "southerner" ok so I'm still a southerner, I'm just not in the south anymore. Which is an even bigger change than not being in Tennessee anymore. I mean after all, I've lived in Tennessee and North Carolina and no where else. So far though, I give the Midwest a thumbs up. And obviously I'm qualified to pass judgement after the 6.5 hours that I have been here! ;-)

Before you become addicted (typed with extreme sarcasm) to my blog, I should warn anyone reading this of a few things first...

One, I'm a TERRIBLE speller and writer!! Despite spell check, I'm sure I will manage to misspell on a regular bases... No making fun. My degree is in Chemistry not English. You should be proud of me for even thinking about writing every day!!

Two, I MUST be held accountable. If you read this, let me know! If I have people reading this, then maybe I can actually stick with this for a whole year! Aunt Fay and Erin remember you already promised... ;-)

Three, ok there isn't a three, but one and two just seemed like they needed a three...

Ok well tomorrow is the big day, first day at the new church, so I'm off to get some unpacking done...

With Love,