Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 83: Happy Thanks!

Thursday, November 26

Well this has defiantly been one of the most interesting Thanksgivings I have ever experienced. Of course the lack of Turkey and Dressing is a first, but no family time was really something I was dreading. However, today has turned out to be quite nice actually.

I “started” the day by staying up when I get home from work last night until the breakfast bar opened. So worth it! I had a rather random selection of foods, everything from a raspberry pancake to an Indian dish that tasted a whole lot like chili! And of course lots of coffee and juice!
After breakfast, I finally went to bed with the intention of only sleeping a couple hours and then getting up and going to the pool. I made it to the pool, but it wasn’t two hours after I went to bed. Once I finally woke up and got to the pool, I was in a form of heaven on earth! There are waterfalls that make a continuous peaceful noise. A pool attendant brings you a bottle of water and anything else you want! Oh yea, and there are huge fluffy towels and the most comfortable lawn chairs ever!

I spent several hours lounging and enjoying some sunshine. I read half of my new book, Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury. I finished Memories of a Geisha and I’m going to watch the movie tonight and do my “review” tomorrow. After the sun went down, it got very cool, very quick. I went to the spa to enjoy the hot tub and sauna.

After warming up, I got ready for dinner and met up with a couple of the other ladies. We headed to the mall for dinner at India’s version of an Applebee’s, a restaurant called India Joe. Food was pretty good and is a place I’d be willing to head back to again. On the way out of the mall, I had a scoop of gelato to finish my Thanksgiving meal. Ok if I can’t have pumpkin cheesecake and sweet potato soufflĂ© then I can at least have a little ice cream! ;-)

When I came back to my room, there was a fruit crisp type of dessert on plate and written in chocolate “Happy Thanks.” I’m not sure if this was due lack of room for the rest. Or maybe a thought for what today is truly all about. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks. Thanks can only be given with a joyful heart, otherwise, it’s not sincere. Maybe this wasn’t a “misprint” after all…
All in all, this has been a beautiful day! While I have missed my family and traditional foods, it is even easier than usually to think of all the things I’m thankful for while in a developing country! I hope you all have a wonderfully happy Thanksgiving!

With love,

Countdown to Mumbai: 41 days…

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