Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 57: The Taj

Up way too early this morning since I went to bed at 5:00 am and got up at 7:30 am! I did find a cute little complimentary breakfast lounge with AMAZING coffee. They use a French press instead of an electronic maker and it is outstanding. The lounge overlooks Gurgaon, the suburb of Delhi where work and the hotel are located. Other the serious smog that the day light unveiled, the city is quite pretty. There are lots of very contemporary buildings with very neat structures. It was quite nice to have a meal that didn’t come out of a plastic wrapped airplane container! Even if it was just cheese, fruit, an egg, and some toast! ;-) I love this place!!!

Next, it was downstairs to meet the others. WOW!!! The lobby of the hotel is indescribable with its marble floors, plush furniture, fresh flowers everywhere, and water fountain ponds! I will have to post pictures to show it off!! I meet several of the team in Mumbai that flew up to visit the Taj Ma Hal as well as three others that are here with me in Delhi and two folks from our sister company here in India.

All eleven of us piled into the two vans and began the four hour adventure to one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Taj Ma Hal, in Agra, India. I say adventure, because that is exactly what it was. The streets here are about like a driveway back in country and the traffic lanes, laws, and lights are merely a suggestion. Everyone honks constantly. One little honk means “please get out of the way.” Two short honks, “get out of the way.” And if you really lay on the horn, well that means “I’m going to get out of this car if you don’t move.” It’s absolutely in sane!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got there safely -- an answer to prayers. Take care of yourself and look at everything -- make lots of mental notes. You know I'll ask all about EVERYTHING!! We love you. Aunt Jane and Uncle Butch
