Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 61: The Routine

Some how I have managed to get into a routine after being here for less than a week. This is a good thing, even though it sounds a little boring, at least I am sleeping when I’m suppose to be sleeping and eating at somewhat normal times. Please note that “supposed” and “normal” are quite relative terms. I eat “breakfast” at about 3:30 or 4 in the afternoon, lunch around 10-Midnight, and dinner, if I have it at all, when I get home from work around 4 am. But when you are working 6:30 pm – 3:30 am and sleeping from 5:30 am to sometime in the early afternoon, its all about right. Like I said, normal is relative for me these days.

Work has also fallen into a nice routine. It starts with a short, yet exciting, drive to the office. Standing around telling everyone hello and shaking hands with everyone as they come into work. I like this Indian tradition! Its very nice way to be greeted. However, I don’t think this would work back home, we would spend too much time chatting and not just a quick shake! ;-)

After all the greeting, they go to the desk and get ready to get started. This might take them a little bit, but it gives us floor support the chance to check our email and send any communication needed back to the home office, and prepare anything else needed for the day. Around 7:30 or so, the questions start and it can be rather non-stop. But it works, it makes time fly and before you know it one of us realizes that if we don’t hurry up and order dinner we will be eating Indian food and starts throwing around a list for all us American’s to write down our order. Our choices, McDonald’s, Subway, or supposedly Domino’s although we have tried to order this twice with no luck!

Tonight we waited to late and all three were closed so it was Indian for dinner. Two of us like it, but the other three it makes them sick, so I felt kind of bad. They ordered us butter chicken, which was good but not quite as good as the kind I had the other day after the Taj, Creamy Chicken, and Naan of course. They serve Naan with everything! I love it!! And the creamy chicken was also really good! I ended up eating such a big, and late, lunch that I wasn’t even hungry when I got home, so I’m skipping dinner. And all you thought I never missed a meal! Hehehe!

The rest of the night at work is spent in a meeting with folks back home and continuing to answer lots and lots of questions. Then its time to crawl back into our van for the much less exciting ride back to the hotel.

And that is my typical day! I just thought I would share to give you some idea of what its like over here!

With Love,
Count Down to Home: 54 days…

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetie,
    Hope all is well. Am praying for you faithfully and for Devin also. Take care and remember how much you are loved.

    Aunt Jane
