Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 69: Interesting Emails

Thursday, November 12

Day 69: Interesting Emails

Today started as any normal day, but this story really begins a couple days ago when I received an email asking if I might be willing to extend my stay in India through January. I said I would think about it and get back to them. I thought at least I could see what Devin thought and go from there. At one point in time, I had agreed to stay for 10 weeks and Devin and I had talked about him coming over for a week or so around New Year’s, but then my return date ended up being December 27, so there wasn’t time.

I talked to Devin about it and we started weighing pros and cons. Pros, Devin would have the time to work out a trip to come see me, we could use the extra money, it is GREAT experience for me, and I am already missing Thanksgiving and Christmas at home, what’s another month. Cons, we miss each other an awful lot! After thorough discussion, we decided that a few more weeks won’t kill us and that the opportunities far outweigh the con, especially if Devin is able to come for a week.

After a quick email back that I would be willing to stay, the response was that I will be moving to Mumbai for the last 30 days of my now extended trip and my return to the States day is February 8, 2010. I’ll get to see the Indian Ocean and the fifth largest city in the world, thanks Wikipedia for that statistic. And most excitedly, my amazing and wonderful husband is working on a trip to come see me and this interesting county!

While I would be lying if I said I was thrilled to be away from home this long, I am very excited and thankful for this opportunity. I know that this isn’t going to be easy, but I know I have an amazing support team back home that loves me and is praying for me all along the way! I’m already counting down the days till I can see each of you and tell you all my fun stories!

Ok well I need to get some sleep! Until tomorrow…


Countdown to home: 87 days… Wow, maybe I should quit counting for a bit, 87 days sounds really long!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad it looks like Devin will be coming to visit! Y'all will make memories together you will remember for a lifetime.
