Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 51: They Adventure in the Everyday

I love Sundays! I love being able to see friends and fellowship. I love praise and worship and hearing God's word. I love a day of family time and rest. I love Sundays! And today was my last "normal" one for awhile...

Pastor brought Devin and I up on stage this morning and prayed over us both. Me for safe travels and time while India and Devin to not be too lonely. He prayed for the whole experience to be a positive one for both of us. It was so sweet, all the folks that promised to feed Devin and help "take care" of him while I'm gone. It was all very, very special.

After church, we came home and watched my Phillip Rivers put a whoopin' on the Chiefs! I hate that the Chiefs are having such a terrible season, but I loved watching my old college classmate do so well. Too bad is was such a slaughtering and not that much fun to watch, but anyway...

I am happy to report that I have NOTHING left to buy for my trip. I'm pretty sure Devin would tell you I have one of everything Target sells and two of the things that count. But seriously, I have a small pharmacy, a well stocked convenience store, and miniature library to take with me! Thank the Lord for some good deals! Otherwise, this trip would cost more than its worth! ;-)

To wrap up this lovely Sunday, Pastor and his beautiful wife took us to a fabulous restaurant called "Paulo and Bills" as a going away dinner for me. I had an amazing Tilapia dish with an out of this world potato cake and roasted green beans! Yum!! Beyond the great food, the discussion was quite riveting. We talked about everything from the state of today's church to mouthwash provided in restrooms. I love people that you can have intellectual conversation with but can also make you laugh till your sides hurt with silliness.

Ok well I think I will call it a night. Tomorrow should be quite the busy day with only having three days left in the office. I probably need all the rest that I can get! Until tomorrow...


Count down to India: 4 days..... Must start packing!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I didn't call yesterday. Robert's fam spent the weekend with us. Then Sunday, we had friends over for lunch, played a game of Settlers, then had friends over for dinner, and played a new game we bought called Dominion. I highly recommend it when you get back from India. You and Devin would love it! It's a wonderful game to play two-player if you don't have another couple to play with.
