Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 29: Parcheesi, The Royal Game of India!!

Yet another flea bath occurred today. We have discovered that I was quite off in my thinking of the last time our little ones received their Frontline. They are now over due, and with the weather turning cold, all the little critters are attacking our babies. We are terrible puppy parents, but attempted to redeem ourselves but spending the morning giving them another flea bath and then literally hand picking any ones we could find off. Tomorrow we are heading to the pet store to get something to take care of any that might be left and something to treat the house. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated at this time.

As for learning our lesson, I think its safe to say we have. I'm going to mark the calendar with when to give them their medicine. Otherwise, I'm afraid we might find ourselves in the same predicament again. And I really hate being a bad puppy mommy...

The afternoon was spent going to the grocery store (where I managed to buy a weeks worth of groceries for $50, I love this place!!) and then fixing salad and apple crisp to take over to some friends for dinner. One of the other pastor's and his wife had us over for ribs, chicken, and a board game. We had tons of choices, but since I'm leaving for India in a few weeks, I thought it was only fitting for us to play Parchessi.

Now I had never played this game before, but it said on the box that it is the royal game of India, so it just seemed like a must. For those that have never played, its a very similar to Sorry! with a larger board and a a few variations in the rules. We had a blast sending people back to the start point and seeing who was going to win. At the beginning it looked like Pastor Doug had it by a long shot, but the rest of us were able to hold him off for a while. In the end, he did end up winning, but we had a ball in the mean time and the last half of the game was much closer of a game than the first.

Now Devin and I are home giving the puppies some much needed attention and scratching, trying to make up for being bad puppies parents. Tomorrow's church so we need to get some rest! Hopefully the kids learned their lesson after last week and things will go a little bit smoother!!

Sweet Dreams to all!!

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