Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 44: Another Perspective Pt. 2

Hello again all. This is Devin coming to you tonight from my still comfortable (but no longer new smelling) sofa! Elizabeth had such a hard day 'working' yesterday that she couldn't find the energy to blog she asked me to continue my once a month commentary.

So, there are 11 days until my wife leaves me for another that is warmer and doesn't have frost in the mornings when you walk outside. Can't say i blame her a bit! It was cold enough this morning to make me want to move to Florida. Yesterday Elizabeth had her friend Amy here from St. Louis. They spent more money that I thought was possible in the tame they had...and that was purchasing stuff on sale! Thank God she didn't decide to shop at Nordstrom's, or we'd have to leave her in India until 2020.

Seriously? she had a good time with Amy. That is until at church today some old guy went crazy in the hallway on her because I set up a table to advertise my Fall Festival (which I left her to run). Apparently, he had 'claimed' the table for something and felt like he needed to reclaim it. Some times I wonder why people go to church if they aren't even going to ACT like a Christian.
That reminds me of a story...but you'll have to talk to me in person for it, because voice and facial inflections are important to appreciate the humor in it.

Anyway, she leaves soon. Too soon if you want to know the truth. To be all alone here in the apartment for the rest of the year kinda seems like a bum deal. I mean, I'll have my new Assassins Creed 2 video game in early Nov. But video games only do so much. Not having my wonderful wife around to ignore while I'm playing it really just takes all the fun away! :-)

If you want to know the truth, I am sad that she's going, because I'll miss her and don't look forward to the holidays alone, even with great Church Family that has all promised to keep me fat and happy while Elizabeth is away. I know she doesn't like the idea either. So, why do it, you ask? Well, the answer is that sometimes God provides in ways we don't expect. And last time I checked His plans and My plans often don't exactly line up. I'm always playing catch-up trying to get myself lined up with Him. This is one of those times. In a sense, its about the money. But its not a dollar amount. I mean, if we were hard up for money I would just call my dad (hi dad!). Seriously, we're not poor (or rich!), we aren't struggling to pay bills...well, we will be now that my wife bought the entire mall, but that's beside the point.

We both want to be able to do a few things. In no particular order they are:
1)start a family. Although, I guess since we ARE married we kinda already did that. We do make a couple, ya know!
2) Get Elizabeth back into school. This requires us to pay off some other debts (cars, old student loans, etc...) so she doesn't have to work and can focus on her studies.
3) Be more supportive of our church and other ministries. We really want to support a few friends on the mission field and give strategically to the church for special projects and events.
4) Get the Condo rented out!

That last thing has nothing to do with India, but since it's STILL not rented, we are actually looking at making my wife's stay a semi-permanent one until we reach the $100,000 bonus mark... in July of 2051! (ok, not really)

Some people ask if I'm worried about her safety. I don't want to sound like a bad husband... but why should I?
'It's dangerous over there!' I am told.
Today in the KC metro area, according to the Internet and local news, there were over 200 car accidents. There were over a dozen people killed through random senseless violence. On person was hit by a car while walking their dog...the dog was ok. There were 7 home invasions and I really need to keep going? I mean really, should we just close I eyes, lock ourselves in a closet and not come out unless we have to pee? It's dangerous walking the dogs with frost on the ground, for heaven's sake! You get 80 lbs of puppy pulling you on slippery ground and you'll understand way.

In India, she'll have a personal escort everywhere she goes, who is trained and armed. She'll be in a secure facility to work. She'll be in a very nice hotel-which is no less safe than any hotel in Chicago, Miami, New York, or Nashville. The biggest problem she'll have is if she drinks the water! So trust will be OK. I'm letting my wife go to work and get an amazing experience, I am not sending her to war in Hell with a water pistol!

Oh, and I get to go spend New Year's in India with her really, it's all about me! :-)

Well, that's all for now. Hope you have a great month, and I'll see ya in November!

(those are my initials, in case you are wondering!)

1 comment:

  1. Devin, I think you are beginning to like your monthly ritual. Gives you something to look forward to ;-)

    I'm sorry we won't be around to keep you company. Hopefully you'll have plenty of new friends to invite you over for meals and to play games.

    If you want any suggestions or just someone to sympathize, you should talk to Robert. I went to Africa for two-and-a-half months while we were engaged.

    Well, it's been good to hear from you. :)
