Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 4: Carpentry 101

So Devin went back to work today, leaving me to lots and lots of unpacking. After spending most of the morning unpacking the kitchen, I hit a road block, no more empty space to unpack boxes too!

Solution: Construct the kitchen cart we bought yesterday.

I started on this "easy assembly" cart around 1 pm. The instructions, which I read multiple times, said that this project takes approximately 50 minutes. Ok maybe 50 minutes in light years!! One of the pieces wasn't cut just right, I've never seen so many parts in my life, and the sucker was HEAVY! I think I spent 50 minutes just putting two sides of the drawer together.

After much effort, lots of pounding, and multiple reattempts, I now have a beautiful kitchen cart finished about 15 minutes ago. Yes, it is 10pm as I'm writing this! You can do the math!!

Now, I will say that Devin and I went to dinner at a couple we meet on Sunday's house for a few hours, at which we had a wonderful time. Side note, Costco has AMAZING roasted chicken. But most of my day was spent dealing with this crazy kitchen cart.

Tomorrow looks like more unpacking, trip to the new job, new driver license, and more carpentry, I have two cabinets for the bathrooms. Wish me luck!

Later taters!

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