Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 25: Its a Great Day to Be Alive....

I know the sun's still shining when I close my eyes....

Ah, I love that song! My title today doesn't have that much to do with my blog, although today was a good day, but was more just the song that's been in my head for several days now, thus becoming the title for today.

Found out today that the corporate VP that will be making the decision about the promotion I applied for will be at my billing center tomorrow. Not coming to see me, but still a great opportunity to make a good impression, assuming I can manage to not wear my crocs to work! LOL! I still haven't decided what I'm wearing tomorrow, but I'm taking my shower tonight to give me a little extra time in the morning to decide.

Also, today I scheduled my first appointment for shots to travel to India. I go Friday afternoon, right after work. I think I'm going to get Devin to bribe me like Daddy had to do when I had to get my MMR booster for my senior year of high school, if I let them give me the shot, then I get to go get ice cream! Now, lets just hope Devin doesn't have to bear hug me and hold me down like Daddy had to! Oh man I hate shots....

For dinner tonight, we had a pastor and family potluck. We had lasagna, salad, bread, and brownie sundaes for dessert. It was such a great time to just fellowship with the other pastor families and share a meal. Being the huge family girl that I am, if I can't have a meal with my wonderful family, it really is nice to be able to get together with some of my church family. We told stories and laughed and had an amazing time! Thank you Lord for giving us such a great new church family!

Well tomorrow is month end/quarter end so I better go get a good nights rest. Tomorrow will be a busy day at work! Plus, bags under eyes make almost as good of an impression as bright red plastic flip flops!

With Love!

PS Count down to India ~30 days.....

1 comment:

  1. You should ask Robert about his recent trip to the doctor...
