Saturday, September 26, 2009

Day 22: Great Is Thy Faithfulness!!

Today I had the honor of attending a funeral of a lady I never had the opportunity to meet. After listening to her family and friends talk about Ms. Shirley, I know that was truly a loss on my part. In what her family stated, she sounds like someone that was a joy to be around. Someone that could be looked up to. Someone that you could go to for advice. Honestly, her funeral remind me much of mom's. From what was shared today, her life reminds me much of mom's. Even though I never had the privileged of getting to know Ms. Shirley, I mourned along with the family. I know their lost.

Part of the service, was a time of worship. Ms. Shirley was an enthusiastic alto that loved to use her God given talent to glorify her Heavenly Father. One of the songs that we sang was the old hymn, "Great is Thy Faithfulness" and it really got me thinking about how faithful God has been to me. I know my blog is usually on the humorous side, or at least that is my attempt, but in memory of two amazing women that are walking on streets of gold, probably becoming the best of friends seeing as they have so much in common, I wanted to take a minute and thank the Lord for His amazing faithfulness.

Thank Him for saving when I needed Him the most. Thank Him for this plan and purpose in my life and His guidance for me to not stray too far from the plan. Thank Him for a desire to see His plan in my life. Thank Him for an amazing husband who loves me and cares for me and a family that I am so close with. Thank Him for the many friends I have made along my life's journey, many of which are still near and dear to my heart. Thank Him for an education that took multiple financial miracle to complete and a job I love. Thank Him for His faithfulness through all this things and so, so, so many more.

Funerals are never fun events, but I can't help but call the ones of saints a blessing. I love the sweet moment of knowing that heaven is one more voice strong. That the streets of gold are walked by one more set of feet. That Jesus Christ has one more that makes His death on the cross worth it all.

If you are reading this and you don't have a personal relationship with Christ, I pray that you find someone that can show you why its so important. I don't know about you, but I want them to sing Great is Thy Faithfulness at my funeral, and know that I have lived out God's faithfulness in every aspect of my life.

With Love,

PS I think my mom just might have made a new friend in Heaven, Ms. Shirley!

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