Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 11: Follow the Red Light...

So I am proud to report I found the light! The red light that is! The one that means great taste and refreshment are just around the corner. Yesterday, I reported that there was only Pepsi products on the Sprint campus. Well today, I was up on the fifth floor and what to my wandering eyes should appear but a glorious red light... A COKE MACHINE! Unfortunately, this coke machine does not house Coke Zero, but a Diet Coke will do in a pinch. I'm just glad to know there is a place to get something other than bottled diesel fuel! Enough about a beverage I only drink occasionally and one to the rest of my day.

Work was quite productive and I got an interview for one of the promotions I put in for, so YAY! Say a little prayer Friday morning! Its a preliminary phone interview, not my favorite, I'd much rather do face to face, but at least its the first step!

After work I came home to a kitchen floor with several piles of wood chip filled puppy puke! Lovely...
Evidently, Brooks and Addy decided it was a good idea to make a snack out of Devin's landscaping on the patio. Thanks to the Swiffer Wet Jet, it wasn't so bad to clean up. However, I'm a little worried about my babies tummies. I'm not sure, but I don't think wood chips are good for puppy bellies. I know they aren't good for their little booties, Brooks had to have the vet pull a large chunk of one out the backside when he was younger!! One would have thought they would have learned their lesson.

Both ate a good dinner and don't seem to be having any trouble going potty. I'm not going to worry too much as long as those two functions continue as normal. Currently, they are both laying next to Mommy's feet waiting for Daddy to come home from his late meeting! They make great foot warmers! ;-)

Wow! Now, you know more about my pets then you ever wanted to, I'm sure!! I guess I'll call it a night! Devin should be home soon!

With Lots of Love,

1 comment:

  1. I don't what it is with dogs. They just think they can eat anything - dead birds, other dogs poop...and Robert wonders why I have a rule...

    He announces to Laia last night, "Now Laia, you know the rule. No kisses if I want kisses from Melanie. For some reason she doesn't like kissing me after you've had a turn."

    I'll be praying for you for Friday! Love ya, Girl!
