Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 19: Visa My Visa

I love Wednesdays! Even though they end up being late nights and long days. At work, you are past the Monday panics and not to the Friday slow down. Then there is church! I love the relationships I'm building with the kids on Wednesday nights. Its a much smaller group that on Sunday morning and a lot more interaction. Its amazing how quickly they have warmed up to Devin and I. We had one mom tell us tonight that we must be doing something right. Usually her kid begs to stay at home, but since his first Wednesday night with us, he begs her to bring him back. God is blessing us here and truly using us to minister to these kids and their families! God is so amazing!!

Today was fairly productive day. I received my sponsor letters in the mail for my trip to India. I also completed all the paperwork aspect of applying for my visa. I had NO IDEA how expensive that thing was going to be. Just for the stamp to put in my passport so they let me enter the country, almost $300 bucks! I couldn't believe it! Of course the company will reimburse me, but that was a lot to put on my Visa for visa!

I also found out that I have to go get my new drivers license before I can mail off for my Visa. My address on my visa application has to match the address on my driver license. I also have to send two passport photos with my application. So tomorrow, I'm leaving work at 2:3o to go get all this taken care of so I can mail off my packet by Friday, maybe even tomorrow afternoon. Pray I don't have any hang ups!! I need everything to go like clock work for me to be able to keep my tentative leave date of 10/29.

After work, I ran home, changed clothes, and ran back out with Devin to grab a bite of dinner and then off to church. Tonight went so well! I'm really liking it here!

Ok well I'm about to head home, Devin is out of his meeting! Until tomorrow...

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