Thursday, January 28, 2010

The 'lost' Blogs: Day 128: My New Sari!!

Sunday, January 10

So ever since I found out I was coming to India I have wanted to purchase a sari. For those of you who aren’t sure what a sari is, it is the wrap around dress that is traditional India formal wear. Typically, they are worn with a mid-drift type shirt underneath, no matter your age. But for me, I want what’s called a “long” blouse. In other words, a shirt that doesn’t show off my entire midsection. But these have to be stitched and I don’t have time for that, unfortunately…
So after yesterday’s less than productive shopping day, I was on a mission. I was well rested and prepared for it to take all day if needed. But I was NOT coming back to the hotel without something traditional to wear, even if it meant I had to get a kurta and tights!

We went to one of Delhi’s many amazing markets and Payal, one of the wonderful ladies from here, took me to a sari shop. I had decided that I should get a black one with silver sparkles. I figured that since I didn’t have time to have a blouse made, but I had a black shirt I had brought with me that would work, this was my best color choice. And the shoes I bought when Devin was here are silver, so that would be one less thing to worry about. It wasn’t what I thought I wanted, but it would have to work.

Anyway, so Payal tells the shop attendant what I’m looking for and he pulls out five choices! I must admit I was a little shocked. I’ve looked at tons of sarees since being in India and I have NEVER seen a black one before. Granted, I thought I wanted a bright pink or turquoise one, so maybe I just hadn’t been shown a black one before, thus I really thought it was a long shot to find one that would work with the things I already had. But here I am looking at a pile of choices and I see THE one! It was like shopping for a wedding dress when you look in the mirror and realize this is the dress you’ve dreamed about since you were a little girl! LOL, ok maybe not quite that dramatic, but anyway…

Before the attendant can pull out any more out, I ask to see the one I’m already in love with. Luckily, this is a fixed price store so there is no harm is letting it be known that I like the piece! He drapes it on me (this is how you “try on” a sari) and I look in the mirror with awe! It’s draped over my blue jeans and t-shirt and I still haven’t felt this pretty since my wedding day!
I couldn’t believe we found the PERFECT sari at our first stop, in the first group he shows me! And, even though it’s not what I thought I wanted, it really is exactly what I want! (Devin's note- that is how my wife is all the time...I gether what she SAYS she wants only to find out what she SAYS and what she MEANS are not the same. So confused...)

After spending the rest of the day hunting down the perfect earrings, bendi (forehead sticker), and bangles to complete the outfit, it’s off to the Hard Rock for dinner with my Indian family and back to the hotel. Tomorrow is going to be a huge day with the Go Live and such. I need a good night’s rest so we will call it a day!

With Love,
Countdown to Home: 29 days…

1 comment:

  1. Love Devin's note. I'm sure Robert would agree completely :)
