Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 137: Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse….

Tuesday, January 19

The fog was even worse tonight than it was last night! YIKES! I beat we say 20 cars parked on the side of the road with their flashers on. I’m not sure how the driver was able to continue, I was scared to death! It took about four times as long to get home tonight in comparison to the average night. I’m so ready for the crazy fog to go away. Really, the air is so thick you have to drink to get any oxygen! Enough about the nasty fog….

So my day was pretty much the normal kind of day I’ve gotten used to having. I spent my workday racing around, answering questions, explaining workaids, and trying to ensure everything is being done to company standards. I think I ended up with about 25 emails throughout the day about different payors, getting clarification about how they should be worked.

Luckily, I’m actually floor support for my old billing center in Jackson, and since this is the process that I do back home, I know a little bit about some of the payors. It helps, but for every payor I know, there are at least 5 I don’t. It’s a process and I’m learning as much as the folks here, so it’s a good thing I suppose.

I still haven’t heard about the promotion I put in for. As of the last time I checked, they had not made a decision and would let me know either way. That was about three weeks ago, so I’m trying to decided if I should check back again. I don’t want to be a nuisance, but I’m so ready to know one way or the other! LOL! I think I’ll sit tight for a bit longer, maybe I’ll hear something tomorrow! We shall see…

With Love,

Countdown to Home: 20 days…

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